A few plant questions

Good morning,

First, the details.

The seeds are Amsterdam Haze(a seemingly obscure plant), I have been growing it for about 3 months(give or take), it has been flowering for about a month(again, give or take). I have been using Blue Mountain Organics and blood meal for nutes and my soil is Miracle Gro organic blend(so it doesn't have any actual miracle gro in it). I am using 1 250 watt light and 2 15 watt(gives 100 watts worth of light) CFLs. I'm using Screen of Green though the plant has been extremely uncooperative in regards to staying in the screen.photo(3).jpgphoto(2).jpgphoto(1).jpgphoto.jpg

The plant itself is around 5 ft tall, give or take(the bin inside the photos is an 18 gallon bin).

My questions are this.

1. Should I prune the fan leaves more?
2. About how far into flowering does it look to you?(the directions for AH say it is 9-10 weeks for flowering so technically I should be getting into the halfway point)
3. About how many grams do you think I'll be able to get out of this thing?
4. Any other thoughts in regards to how to get more out of the plant and/or control the height?


Well-Known Member
The plant isn't as much obscure, as it is semi-difficult to get seeds of - only a few places carry the strain in question. That said.. you're going to have a fun time with smokin' it :D 80/20 sativa/indica, previous tests on it have shown pretty solid THC lvl with very low CBD ratio-wise. Flowering is supposed to be 9-10 weeks from the info in front of me as well, but we all know how plants are - check the trichs. I'd say at this point, it looks to be about on schedule. If you want to prune, and the fan leaves are not receiving enough/any light.. by all means go ahead if you think it'll benefit your ladies. Chopping fan leaves is a huge debate on these forums, and it's a major can of worms.. is why I said to go ahead if you think it'll benefit you. The info I have on the plant from the distributor (a main distributor of said strain) is saying up to 650g/m2 but as with anything, many speculate that the yields are somewhat exaggerated so your mileage may vary.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
That plant is just getting started and has a long way too go yet, way more than 4 or 5 weeks. I do see some claw starting, go easy on the N. A bunch more light wouldnt hurt though...


Well-Known Member
I am using 1 250 watt light
Is that cfl, led or hid there is a world of difference. I wouldnt trim any leaves you need as many as you can get in flowering.


Well-Known Member
be carefull with the blood meal, specially in flowering, if it was me I would cut it, its very high in nitrogen, I only use it when I mix my SS and I let it stand and "cook" for atleast a few weeks before I use it, might also explain the clawing some other person mention above ..
It's me again. Well, I took the advice and stopped using nitrogen. At this point because I repotted(it was rootbound like woah) I have only been using water as even that seems to be a little much. My problem is that it looks like most of the plant is almost ready while two big branches right under the lights are basically branch, leaves, and tiny tiny buds. Pics attached. Here are my questions.

Should I just go ahead and chop now?

How bad would it be if I chopped the things that were pretty much ready and used the space to tie down the things that aren't ready yet(space is pretty much done in this room)?

Anything in general I should be doing?

Same specs as at the beginning of the thread except I'm using filtered water.
