A few issues regarding my only Plant :(



Hi all,

I got a few issues regarding my only plant. Any help would be appreciated.

1- It seems to be the smallest 3 months old plant I've seen compared to any photo I found online.. Is that ok? Is it a midget? Its bagseed.

2- the tips of the leafs are burned brown and then gradually lightens up to yellow tips on the younger leafs.

3- I noticed small leafs growing from the internodes, is that good or bad? I haven't seen that before in photos, and is it too early to determine the sex?

4- I killed my other 2 plants with an overdose of fish emulsion and I'm afraid of using chemical nutes on my last plant. Is there any good enough organic nutes?

I'm growing using some prepacked potting soil for seedling. 2 Swirly 20W CFL are right on top of the plant and are on 24 hrs. Temp is constantly at 28 centigrade. There's no way I can test the PH as I can't get the meter around here. A fan is blowing 24 hrs. I only used literally 3-4 tiny brown balls of NPK that I came across that dissolves gradually as I water. I water every 2-3 days..

Plz help!!


Active Member
1.your plant is small because of your lights (small lights = small plants) but it is still alive so thats ok, only 1 plant is dangerous if its not fem because your plant could be male and then you have just waisted 3 months
2.the tips look like nut burn FLUSH ASAP your ph is also adding to the problem i suspect get a ph meter ASAP whatever it takes (online or start looking harder)
3.this is normal and a good thing nothing to worry about here
4.dont be scared find a hydro store near you or online and get some nutes (look for one with a plan to make it easier for you advanced nutrients, canna etc.....) then start of with a 1/4 of the dose and slowley increase to full dose (if your plant does not burn) but you can also find organic nutes in the nutrient ranges stated before and lots of others that will do the same job.

it is a bad idea to use slow release food it nearly always ends up burning the plants, get a ph meter (6.3-6.5) and flush your plants ASAP


1.your plant is small because of your lights (small lights = small plants) but it is still alive so thats ok, only 1 plant is dangerous if its not fem because your plant could be male and then you have just waisted 3 months
2.the tips look like nut burn FLUSH ASAP your ph is also adding to the problem i suspect get a ph meter ASAP whatever it takes (online or start looking harder)
3.this is normal and a good thing nothing to worry about here
4.dont be scared find a hydro store near you or online and get some nutes (look for one with a plan to make it easier for you advanced nutrients, canna etc.....) then start of with a 1/4 of the dose and slowley increase to full dose (if your plant does not burn) but you can also find organic nutes in the nutrient ranges stated before and lots of others that will do the same job.

it is a bad idea to use slow release food it nearly always ends up burning the plants, get a ph meter (6.3-6.5) and flush your plants ASAP
Thanks for the quick response Lemonz, I'm wondering if the 2 CFL of 20 watt(100w output) each is considered small? And if yes then how about adding a couple more?

I had a bunch of dead seeds and that is my very last one, u can't get any down here.. I'm gonna have to wait for my next vacation but until then I'm hoping my only plant is a girl.

I thought slow release ferts and specially a couple of tiny balls won't hurt. But what can I give it in replacement? Heard of egg shells and banana skin or wateva..

Getting a ph meter is almost impossible down here.. I will try again though.. isn't flushing the plant going to over water it?


Well-Known Member
get a mh or hps over those plants. Not good ,to give u an idea. for eg ive got several 6-7 ft branchy plants growing outside under summer sun and they are 10 weeks old from seed.
Get a stronger light :!:


get a 125 watt dual spetrum cfl bulb and cover and you can grow a great autoflower every 2 months and get around 1 1/2 oz a time rather than nothing ever. the only time i would use your little light bulbs is for 3 or 4 days when your seed is starting to grow thats all they are good for and what a waste of power if they are allready useing 100watts of power


Well-Known Member
2 20w cfl's are not enough...you shouldnt read the output of the cfl's but instead the actual wattage of your bulbs...so right now you are only using 40w of lights and that is about 2400 lumens in total...and yes you can add as much lights as you want, but be careful getting it to hot as your plants may also be stunned in growth. how close is your lights to your plants? how big is your grow room? my only suggestion is to place it outdoors while you reconstruct your grow room.

never burned plants with slow release fert's using peters professional, so im not really sure what brand are you using or how reliable it is. or if that is even a slow release fert. how big is your pot btw?

small leafs on the internodes are normal.

you can flush you plants as long as the water does not seat on your pot...with good drainage it shouldnt be a problem. you plants look healthy enough for me btw...

the only thing i can see to your issues would be your lights, your pots, your lights maybe to far from your plants, place it closer, your grow room maybe too big for your lights and your lights/lumens are not being potentially used as the lights being scattered all over the grow room.
yeah definitely get more lights and remove the aluminum foil. i have 6 26w cfls 5500k and 6500k mixture and 1 150w hps on two plants and they seem do do well. Even an mh bulb for vegging would be good


I made some changes in the light setup and now this is what I have:
(1X20w + 2x45w + 21x15w) is it good enough for one plant ir should I still go hunt a MH?

The grow room size is 0.8x1.2 feet and 2.2 feet high.

The pot size is 7 inch diameter and 8 inch height (not sure how many gallons)

The fert is unbranded, their sold in clear plastic bags by weight at the garden shop and they call it NPK!




New Member
always make sure when buying CFL's you buy the correct color spectrum for the type of growth you are looking for. seems like PH is your problem though also lack of correct nutrients, saying you cant check it doesnt matter because you must check it if you want a plant that is healthy and will even live for that matter, most will just slowly die from the lockout. you can buy those measly GH test kits at almost any store that sells the three part, yea it sucks to use those crappy PH kits but it will get you a closer PH then not adjusting at all you should see better results once you fix your PH, its hard to screw up at that point.

so are you growing with soil or water only? either way you need to stop using this NPK garbage, just buy the little GH three part kit and follow lucas formula just type that in google its very simple system to use with that kit and only using 2 parts micro and bloom, should last you 1 grow, you will see much better results with that also, i bet these nutes, ferts whatever you using to feed your plant is just not even made for marijuana for one, two probably doesnt even have the correct amount of nutrients that is needed for vegetative growth or flowering, when you go into flowering you will need some Bright White CFL's make sure your combined lumens is over 6000, will be fine for your grow.

you have 21, 15w bulbs in there? why? should be buying bulbs that put out 100w, not these low wattage bulbs just a waste of money, even if the lumens hit the mark, they will blow when you need some distance and penetration..


New Member
i have 150w HPS, with 4, 100w Daytime CFL's with reflectors at 1700 lumens ea. My lady is loving it, all this can be bought at homedepot, i didnt get my 150w HPS from there but i know they have them.

i can only get pictures with my phone atm some are with actual camera im sure you can tell which but this is what im growing now 4 weeks into flowering and some pics of it in early veg.

nice profgerbik good grow my setup is almost identical to yours, im about to start flowering soon.

weedas if you're gonna keep those lights move them closer, cfls are almost usless from more than a few inches away. If I were you I would just buy a 150 watt hps or mh, they really aren't that much less than 80 bucks online. That with your cfls would be more than enough for 1 plant.


New Member
nice profgerbik good grow my setup is almost identical to yours, im about to start flowering soon.

weedas if you're gonna keep those lights move them closer, cfls are almost usless from more than a few inches away. If I were you I would just buy a 150 watt hps or mh, they really aren't that much less than 80 bucks online. That with your cfls would be more than enough for 1 plant.
yea i got my 150w HPS, hangers and all for only 69.99 on ebay. i know now you could even probably get a 400w HPS for 99.99 if your lucky and look hard enough. i know spending the money on these things seems like a pain but a good light or even just a decent one is a must have, dont get me wrong you can grow with CFL's i know here in this thread there is someone who grows with cfl's only lokey i think his name is check him out if you just cant get a HPS you really need to understand how to grow with CFL's then, he uses 121w's of CFL's but when you use minimal light you really have to think a lot about your setup as well as how your going to maintain your plants to fit such a small setup.

seeing as your setup seems even smaller than lokey's you might really want to start flowering now and once it starts showing pistils start trimming the hell out of it removing any leaves that are in the way of bud sites, that way you can get the most out of your CFL's, also you are probably going to want to trim away every new node growing from in between branches will happen in some plants more than others, but you wont have room or any room for light to penetrate if you dont because they plant will out grow its space if not trimmed properly, i mean trim also topping would not work for your space, topping is for multiple colas, since you are in such a small area you want several plants, with only 1 main cola, makes it easier for light to get to and they dont have to all fight for light. hope all this information has helped you out, you seem kind of new to it and i try to help newbies out the most because we were all there at one point.

thanks scott, i wish you the best with your harvest.