A few flowering questions.


Active Member
OK so im not too far off the flowering stage, just fort id do some reasearch before i get to it,, so heres my questions.

1) During the flowering stage how much does the plant grow,,(ive herd variations from 2 times - 3 times the plants height)

This is not so much a question more an advice sorta thing...

Before the big 'switch' to 12/12 is it best to give the plant complete darkness (24hr/48hr), does that premote the flowering hormone???

I may have more to add later many thanks.


Active Member
Yeah people told me I'm SOL yesterday cause I'm still vegging and I have a giant that surpassed me in height just yesterday so a bunch of people are probably going to run up in this thread and say Yes to question one. IDK about question 2 I'd rather ease down from 18/6 an hour a day than throw a plant into darkness for 2 days seems like that would be a small stress.


Active Member
How much it will grow in flowering depends on the type. Sativas are well known to double and triple during flowering. Indica strains not so much. As far as putting them into 12/12 with a long dark period. I haven't tried it, always just switch my timer to 12/12 and haven't had any problems. I'm sure either way, including Gblink3's would work just fine.