A few big plant pots vs many small pots


Hey guys not been on for a while so excuse if this has already been discussed, this is my third grow now and ive often wondered would i get more from smaller pots than bigger pots overall ( for example 20 10l pots vs 15 15l pots etc), well ive tried 10 12's and 15's ltrs and overall i think you average more over bigger pots than you would smaller ones.

I started with 20 10L pots in a 2,4m x 1.2 tent and got back 35 oz (dry)

2nd was 14 15L pots and got back 41 0z

Hungry for more im now trying out 8 gorilla pots and i have not been let down so far, they will be 6 weeks flowering tomorrow, I also switched to advanced nutrients on this grow because ive heard quite alot of positives, needless to say im staying with them:peace:



Well-Known Member
Yield has a lot to do with the efficiency of the root system to develop and take up nutes. Try some 1.5-2G Air Pots. I have a super healthy plant in a 1.5G AP. Alas it's a male, but the main stalk is ~ 1/2 diameter in 3 weeks since moving from a standard pot to the AP. I think the 1.5 could easily support a <3 ft plant. hth

i like smaller pots myself..water little more,little more time tending to the ladys..my thought easier to control nutes easier to flush..close to end turnes into kind of a hydro/soil thing ...watering more often but like more space...smaller pots more pots and so on..
yh i bought 1 of those aero pots which is the 1 on the far left, it was stunted abit at first but its caught up to the others, not really seen a major difference yet but i can see its thinking about doing something, back to more vs less a bonus to less pots is more light concentration


Well-Known Member
One of the things you need to take into consideration is the time you plan on having your plants in vegetation, do you plan on taking clones, the strain of the plant (ie. if you decide to grow a Sativa, it is going to be a large plant), and the space you are growing in. Then you will be able to determine what size pot is the best for you.


How long did you veg them? Were all of the various pot sizes vegged for equal amounts of time?

If you shortened the veg times for the plants in smaller pots you would have more harvests over an extended time. Right? You can pull more from a single grow with bigger pots if they have equal veg times, but would you grow more over a years time if you vegged the smaller pots less and had two additional small harvests in that same time period?


Well-Known Member
I only vegged the WW for 3 weeks because they get big. My two are about 51" and I am using a 5 gallon smart pot. I used root cubes to grow them as seedlings and then at 15 days, transferred them straight to the 5 gallon pots.

6 in one hand and half a dozen in the other, IMO regarding the small pots vs. large pots.


Well-Known Member
big pots all the way. not even big just get an efficient pot size
i use 3 gal and i see no need to go much bigger
two 3 gal plants can fill a pretty big size room with topping followed by some lst

fuck havin 15 plants you gotta water them all, each one can have a different dificiency than the other
its just stupid
do urselves a favor people and stop growing 8-15 in 4x3 spaces
makes it alot more work than it has to be
even scrogs, one or two big plants over 10 or 15 small ones any day

View attachment 1833280View attachment 1833281
you know how easy it is to take care of this thing???

pretty fuckin easy

Brick Top

New Member
Root-bound plants can suffer from a number of different problems, so a root-bound condition should be avoided if at all possible. I normally use 7-gallon pots, though I will use 5-gallon pots now and then. Unless someone is growing small plants I would not suggest anything under 5-gallon pots. Even then plants would have to be very small before I would go under 4-gallons.

A healthy root structure is important.
ive always kept the same cycle 4 weeks veg and 8-9 weeks flowering depending on the strain, and yes chalba thats a good question i wish i knew the definate answer because im in this for the money not the smoke ( although i wont refuse it ), im swinging more towards bigger pots though i say that extra week or two of vegging makes all the difference, tell you what i wouldnt mind knowing though is should i start trimming the leaves now that im in week 6 as theirs alot of v small buds halfway down that are not really getting much light because of all the fan leaves, but i cant find the conclusive many people say dont trim and many say do who's run a side by side comparison


Active Member
ive always kept the same cycle 4 weeks veg and 8-9 weeks flowering depending on the strain, and yes chalba thats a good question i wish i knew the definate answer because im in this for the money not the smoke ( although i wont refuse it ), im swinging more towards bigger pots though i say that extra week or two of vegging makes all the difference, tell you what i wouldnt mind knowing though is should i start trimming the leaves now that im in week 6 as theirs alot of v small buds halfway down that are not really getting much light because of all the fan leaves, but i cant find the conclusive many people say dont trim and many say do who's run a side by side comparison
i like to trim right b4 flower and give it a little time to recover b4 12/12,ive trimmed in flower b4 but not very much dont like to put any stress in flowering
Has anyone used tubs this size before? if so what have you had back harvested and dry? 6 40+ ltr tubs and 2 50+ ltr tubs, these are uk cheese and the best ive grown yet, im 4 weeks into flower as of friday, One thing thats bugging me is how many leaves there are, there are loads of bud spots underneath all those leaves but its a catch 22 do i trim them so sunlight can hit the bud spots or will i reduce maximum yield by taking away there source of energy?? anyone been here before and came out happy....Get involved people



Well-Known Member
Has anyone used tubs this size before? if so what have you had back harvested and dry? 6 40+ ltr tubs and 2 50+ ltr tubs, these are uk cheese and the best ive grown yet, im 4 weeks into flower as of friday, One thing thats bugging me is how many leaves there are, there are loads of bud spots underneath all those leaves but its a catch 22 do i trim them so sunlight can hit the bud spots or will i reduce maximum yield by taking away there source of energy?? anyone been here before and came out happy....Get involved people
keep your leaves on!
there is alot of leaves though, will losing some really have such a bad affect? ive tried tucking before plucking but there is still large areas underneth that dont seem to be getting any sun


New Member
i use totes little bigger then what you got and i also trim lower branches like you should do as well this sending more energy to upper bud growth i would trim up from soil 8 - 12 " of leafs small buds as for yield made me a pound per plant scrog style

and for those that think pot size don;t make a difference then i say give it a try just before flipping into flower take one of your plants and transplant it into a tote and flip to flower yield doesn;t lie

