A excellent growing guide by Jorge Cervantes


Well-Known Member
Hey. Just thought it might be good to advertise an excellent book i just finished ready and highly recommend if you have any questions or wish to understand a bit of botany about Marijuana. Jorge Cervantes has a book called 'Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible' and it kicks ass. Its well under prised and an excellent source for all techniques and questions. Enjoy as a bedtime story book :)

ps.. you guys know of any other really good books worth taking a look at???


Active Member
yeah man I'm reading this book right now and it kicks ass, I recommend it for anyone who wants to get into this, saves on stupid un-needed questions on the forums ~ at least with me so far ; ) lol.
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Well-Known Member
Hell yes, and even has the odd pics for you's that cant read properly and would prefer to look at pics, lol.


Well-Known Member
ya man ive heard of that book
some of my friends recomended but i havet read it
whats so "good" about it


Well-Known Member
its a great all purpose book with tons of pics and lots of easy to understand info
i also like both dvds (no im not a fucking sponsor )
ive also read greg greens bible and a video of a green hydroponic man mr green or something
the more u watch/read the better ull grow.......plus experience doesnt hurt


Well-Known Member
Totally agree with you dagobaker. The more you read/watch the better you'll grow, and help others too. All contributes to something. Its good to know others have read this too :)


Well-Known Member
lol, well "fdd2blk" you'll be able to give us a good idea of which book is a definite 'worth to get' then....???? cheers.


Well-Known Member
integral hydroponics is not to bad, good for newbs.

Also other horticulture books are good, they dont have to be about Marijuana.
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Well-Known Member
Sweet as. I'll start my collection. I've also got Greg Greens 'The Cannabis Grow Bible' but havent started reading it yet as the Jorge Cervantes book looked and felt like a better first reader.