A dog in a growroom. Bad idea?

Miites are born pregnant so all the dog needs to bring in is one egg and if it's a female yer screwed.

Yeah, that too, but I'm not to concerned with mites. I've got a good "tried and true" method that wipes them out quick. It also happens to be very healthy for the plants, so "preventative" occurs all the time.

Botrytis is everywhere, so that's a concern. Even worse is the fact that I'm in Southern CA, grow spots are everywhere. The abuse of Eagle 20 (and the like) are leading to fungicide "immune" Super PM (akin to abusive use of antibiotics aiding in the creation of MRSA). I've had a dog bring Botrytis into a freshly cut cure room and have faced a "Super PM" (hard fought battle, but I stood victorious) that was introduced via Trojan Horse (new clone). Both are absolutely devastating and wouldn't wish them upon my worst grow nemesis (if I were to have one).

Anyhow, "girls" and "Grow Pro" in the room, pets belong anywhere else.
Any pet in a grow room is a terrible idea. I wouldn't worry so much about pests. Marijuana pests don't travel on people or pets as much as we think. They like staying on their food source. In my yard I have mites all over. My vegetable garden and decorative plants always get them. At my grow I have not a single mite. Mites usually come from bringing outdoor plants inside or taking in contaminated clones. Soil dwelling bugs usually come in soil which is most of them. The reason you should not have pets in the grow room is because of the shedding. The hair will easily stick in your buds. I had happening for a short time myself. If you have dog or cat hair on your clothing it will rub and stick in the buds very easily. It's a good idea to always have a separate change of clothing just for a grow. I prefer to grow indoor outside of my home. I only clone at my home since there are no buds for animal hair to stick to. Never get any bugs on them with pets around.
No critters in the grow room. Not only are pets unwitting pest carriers, but animal hair does not help the flavor at all.

One point that's gone unmentioned is that there's a lot of things an animal can get into in a grow room that could be harmful or fatal, like drinking nute water, licking something bad, eating soil, getting tangled in power cords, etc. Safety first for our furry friends!

No pets in the grow. Sorry, that includes service animals too.
I'm not letting my dog anywhere near another of my plants. The little shite ate the last one. Also. He's clumsy as fak.

I guess it depends whether your dog spends a lot of time outside rolling in the dirt and other crap. As to how likely they've got some tiny freeloader waiting to molest your crops.
only time i allow mine in is after i give him a bath . and yes the nutrient buckets covered . we spend 4 or 5 hours in there he has a big smile on his face loves it . looks around and finally hour or so later lays in the sun under a light . yes very good concern posted above dogs dont know any better they will drink any thing .
up to you, either you tempt fate or you don't. afaic, and i tyvek suit up/scrub down when i go in mine. and i have an antechamber before you enter that i can saturate with steam that u put inanimate object in and they sit there for a solid week before entering my grow room. never had pest problems, but i'm a bit anal about that shit.
up to you, either you tempt fate or you don't. afaic, and i tyvek suit up/scrub down when i go in mine. and i have an antechamber before you enter that i can saturate with steam that u put inanimate object in and they sit there for a solid week before entering my grow room. never had pest problems, but i'm a bit anal about that shit.
Yeah. That.