alright step 1......before anyone worries about their setup or nutes or anything like that you should be focusing on your little girls' environment...ive come to notice plants love fresh air as well as CO2...well the only way to accomplish this effectively is to give them their own dedicated space....I've built many various rooms but usually I stick with two sizes...8'x8'x6' wich is what i have built this time and is great for 6 plants...but if you wanna do 4 i recomend a 5'x5' space......they'll love ya for it promise...
1.roll of panda film
2.26-8'x2"x4"s of screws
4.staple gun
7.duct tape(white & black)
8.45' of small chain
9.drill bits & screw driver bits
12.scew hooks
step one is to build yourself 2-8'x8' squares out of 2x4's.these will be your
floor and ceiling..after they are constructed wrap the panda film
around the squares itll be almost like a mini swimming pool.Make
sure it is all wraped real tight because the room is gonna be in
vacum the whole time....use lots of electric staple
gun only cost me 30 bucks...ive staple 1,000's of staples so this
is a great investment for me....hand ones work just the same
step two is to build the walls...just stand your 2x4's up after you have cut
down to 6' tall.the then wrap the whole room with panda.the
objective is to make a sealed room that will keep all the light in
and not be wasted.I like to staple all the panda down and then
go over the 2x4's with black tape and staple through that as
well.these rooms will stretch a tad.then get a tarp zipper from
home depot for 8 bucks and put it where you want your door
to be.then unzip it after you stick it where its goin and cut your
door way open..very easy to do
step tree is to bulid a suspension system for your lights which at the same
keeps the roof from sucking is very easy to do...take your
small chain that you bought and put a screw in one end...cut
your lengths of chain to just barely over 8' long..scew the one
end into the ceilng 2x4's.then tighten the chain across the
ceilng and screw the other end in as well to make a very tight
chain that runs the length of your cieling..make a small grid..use
four lengths of chain for this
step four is to go over all joints and holes with black duct tape outside
and white duct tape inside the you should have a will be ready to hang lights and do ventilation next
I like building these rooms..say you are renting..saves from having to cut holes in walls...also say your system floods 20 gallons of water on the floor...the carpet will be saved...and when you move out noone will ever know you had something going on in the guest bedroom
This will also help control the smell issue and the evnvironment can be controlled with ease now...