A couple of questions

I didnt want to make numerous posts eveywhere so i thought id try to ask all in one,

1st Regarding Lighting: Ive always used a 400watt HPS because that was what was recommended but lately ive been seeing videos on youtube about LED lighting but ive previously heard bad experiences concerning yields from other gardeners, Was this maybe because their choice of LED lighting was a "cheap" alternative and do these up to date LED lights really make a Huge Difference?

2nd regarding systems: My friend used 2 clones from the same mother 1 in soil and 1 in NFT both under the same 600watt Lighting side by side But we both felt the final produce from the NFT had so much more flavour than the soil ( Not that either were disappointing), Is this a normal thing that plants that have access to the nutrients as they need (hydro) will be a sweeter and more tasteful produce than that grown in soil?


Well-Known Member
Soil and organic nutes is in my opinion nice weed but you can get very nice hydro weed.i find hydro weed to knock you out when soil weed I can smoke as a "daytime weed"


Well-Known Member
#1 - I think lumens are lumens. Assuming you have the right spectrum, LED and/or HID lights will work fine. For me, LED best characteristic is low heat generation. I do think HID is a more economical alternative, and a better all around choice.
#2 - In general, most will say soil buds taste better, but hydro will give you better yields. I also think soil is more 'forgiving', making it an easier process. I have a small personal grow & soil is a good fit for me.


I didnt want to make numerous posts eveywhere so i thought id try to ask all in one,

1st Regarding Lighting: Ive always used a 400watt HPS because that was what was recommended but lately ive been seeing videos on youtube about LED lighting but ive previously heard bad experiences concerning yields from other gardeners, Was this maybe because their choice of LED lighting was a "cheap" alternative and do these up to date LED lights really make a Huge Difference?

2nd regarding systems: My friend used 2 clones from the same mother 1 in soil and 1 in NFT both under the same 600watt Lighting side by side But we both felt the final produce from the NFT had so much more flavour than the soil ( Not that either were disappointing), Is this a normal thing that plants that have access to the nutrients as they need (hydro) will be a sweeter and more tasteful produce than that grown in soil?
I tried all other lights before HPS........ HPS rules hands down,
less you can afford a high powered LED, but youd end up spending the same on energy, just super efficient for those anal peeps lol
I admit I did use some cheap LEDs but they worked........ for veg'ing anyway. but thats just me.

I think my soil grows have been of better quality,
in rockwool, .... the things just grow amazingly fast,
but my DWC rocks!! WAAAAYY better yields. I dont know..... flavor pretty close as well.
have not tried NFT

so maybe you didnt give er exactly what she wanted in soil, and came up short.....
maybe you just kick ass at NFT....

I would just stick to what you do best homeboy