A Couple more questions 5????


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody i juss got a 5 finger discount on a thermometer/humidity thing and i was wonderin wats a good humidity for plants i know temps should be 65-75F


Well-Known Member
He was saying 40-60 percent for veg and then a lower amount of humidity for flowering.

And not being a dick but why are you bragging about stealing it?


Well-Known Member
Keep up with the five finger discounts & pretty soon you'll be getting a five penis discount in the joint:cry:.


Well-Known Member
ok #1 i have a job i have a life and i can afford things... but why spend money when u can get it for free... now tell me what would u do *** Pay Nothing VS Pay $$$$*** i think everyklnows the answer and HELL YEAH IMMA THIEF PROUD OF IT .... and Joesalamon i didnt juss steal that, i stoll 2 50 watt 3000 lumen lightbulbs and an extension cord and i was fuckin happy and laughing cuz super walmart is so fuckin retarded not to catch me and i was thinkin bout it when i was doin my first post, so how about you hop off my balls and go grow your plants... o yeah one more thing i didnt ask for BITCH'S, i asked what was a good humidity... and hey Panhead 8=======================================================D (< Suck it)


Well-Known Member
ok #1 i have a job i have a life and i can afford things... but why spend money when u can get it for free... now tell me what would u do *** Pay Nothing VS Pay $$$$*** HELL YEAH IMMA THIEF PROUD OF IT
With that theif attitude of yours your nickname in the joint will be "the gobbler".


Well-Known Member
Hey man if you want to steel from wally world be my guest!! I would never do it but thats because I don't steel. But I have had so much shit jacked from my house by F*CKING TWEEKERS that it pisses me off to hear about other people steeling shit. Just make sure that you don't steel from people! I don't give a F*CK about wallmart crap. I HATE Wallmart! The only thing that they have ever been good for is cashing my old pay checks from a boss who's pay checks always bounced!


New Member
ok #1 i have a job i have a life and i can afford things... but why spend money when u can get it for free... now tell me what would u do *** Pay Nothing VS Pay $$$$*** i think everyklnows the answer and HELL YEAH IMMA THIEF PROUD OF IT .... and Joesalamon i didnt juss steal that, i stoll 2 50 watt 3000 lumen lightbulbs and an extension cord and i was fuckin happy and laughing cuz super walmart is so fuckin retarded not to catch me and i was thinkin bout it when i was doin my first post, so how about you hop off my balls and go grow your plants... o yeah one more thing i didnt ask for BITCH'S, i asked what was a good humidity... and hey Panhead 8=======================================================D (< Suck it)
40% to 60% is optimal