A couple interesting pics. Supercropping and more.


Well-Known Member
This is a small closet grow i have goin on. I was doin a journal but i got pretty dead so i gave up. Its in my sig if you wanna check it. But heres a couple pics from earlier today.

Super Cropped Mother (12/12 in next crop)

4.5 weeks flower.

Shiskaberry Clone for Mother Plant.



Well-Known Member
ya its amazing what a tough plant it is. The stock is so thick on this one that i have to use pliers to bend it. im gonna veg it for until my next crop is ready to flower and put it in with them. Just keep bending. Its gonna be a monster bush.


Well-Known Member
first pic looks fimmed
no, the first 3 pics are the same plant. i just squeezed that fat ass stock with some pliers and bent it over. Twist tied it in place to a bamboo stake. HAve 3 bends total. I just supercropped it 1 or 2 days before this pic so the branches had no idea which way to go, it looks better now. I last counted 23 tops. More still coming.