A cop or cops just got shot and or killed in Dallas

they must have been out of drones....

I was wondering if they lied about using a robot and did indeed use a drone. Why blow up an expensive robot?? But then I figured someone would have seen the motor flare before the strike so it is not likely.
That's cool and all but that war had absolutely nothing to do with freedom Vietnam was never a threat to the USA. Now WW2 that was a justifiably war and I'm proud as fuck for everyone who fought and died in that war. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somolia etc. Have done nothing but take our freedom Vietnam started the War On Drugs this War On Terror took our freedom of privacy and helped bring in this police state we have now.

We are far less free since the Vietnam War not more free. But I respect your service it's not your fault for the unjust war and the draft the people are just pawns.
The shootings that took place in Arizona in 2011 that injured Gabrielle Giffords and killed federal judge John Roll would be considered more an act of revolution then this.
WW2 was even worse than all Wars combined... gave birth to Zionist Israel aka Race Baiting Parasites .. who do you think is promoting all this hate in America.. those evil beings control all forms of media..everything!
That's cool and all but that war had absolutely nothing to do with freedom Vietnam was never a threat to the USA. Now WW2 that was a justifiably war and I'm proud as fuck for everyone who fought and died in that war. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somolia etc. Have done nothing but take our freedom Vietnam started the War On Drugs this War On Terror took our freedom of privacy and helped bring in this police state we have now.

We are far less free since the Vietnam War not more free. But I respect your service it's not your fault for the unjust war and the draft the people are just pawns.

Do you believe what this boy posted JJ? I'm glad that he told us that he didn't go to High School, so I can easily disregard what he says. I mean, to casually dismiss a 10-year war as having no effect on this Country! Then telling us what happened when his parents were young like he knows! Jesus!

WW2 was even worse than all Wars combined... gave birth to Zionist Israel aka Race Baiting Parasites .. who do you think is promoting all this hate in America.. those evil beings control all forms of media..everything!
The Jews are not to blame sure some have power but so don't the Vatican. The Jews don't run the country corrupt politicians and their greed run the country along with the corporations who buy politicians. Again not the Jews it's the government.
Do you believe what this boy posted JJ? I'm glad that he told us that he didn't go to High School, so I can easily disregard what he says. I mean, to causally dismiss a 10-year war as having no effect on this Country! Then telling us what happened when his parents were young like he knows! Jesus!

So tell me what good came from the Vietnam War?
a mate had a biz decontaminating agent orange from Vietnam soil, they put topsoil into massive drums with steel ball bearings and smashed the fuk out of it for a few hours/days dunno wasted tbh...anyways the agent orange molecule has an arm which snaps off with enough mechanical attrition, apparently its the only way to decon agent orange
The Vietnam war was a mistake by politicians, paid for by soldiers....they all served their country with honor because that's what they were asked to do.
More like told to do. Why didn't the politicians fight the war? why did they send the poor? Because we are nothing but pawns and not free men...
The reason alcohol is legal is because congress legalized it after prohibition. Cops dont choose what laws to enforce. Lets change the laws....

Lets make all drugs legal so cops have no reason to kick in your door and shoot your dog. Can I get an amen?
Marijuana is illegal because of Dupont, a paper company, and an oil company. They conspired to stop hemp production.

Did you know Harry Anslinger's nephew spear headed the movement to ban hemp?

Edit: I got that backwards. Anslinger is the nephew of the guy that spear headed alcohol prohibition.
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