A Case Full Of Glass

Haha. Your welcome. That first marble reminds me of something I just can't remember... The last marble looks like it's got gel in it or something. Reminds me of Suave Shampoo. Cool effect.


the marbles always come out cosmic looking!! cool shit.... wish i had a bong for that slider.. kinda eye of horus-ish
WOW!!! People! The bottom right marble blew me away!!

Gogrow is right! It looks like some sort of galaxy, a galaxy, far far away!

Yes, that is a throwback to the Star Wars opening crawl. ;-)


Well-Known Member
it's an "air trap marble", ... View attachment 660087 View attachment 660088

made this today, ... View attachment 660089 View attachment 660090 View attachment 660091 View attachment 660092[/QUOTE
That marble and pipe has some nice designs have you made any bongs or bubblers yet?

i made myself a cool bubbler. then i was done.

i'm gonna stick with small stuff until i get a bigger kiln. it's too much of a hassle to do with what i have. it can be done, but it's a bitch.