A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Well I made seeds for the first time in many years. Little dinosaur eggs. Hoping the mutant traits are eliminated from the tangilope with one of these. It's one of the stronger strains I've run into so I'm hoping for good things.

Sour cherry babies are all runts unfortunately :( pretty bummed, I threw one out and kept the hydro SC and one promix SC, maybe they will come around after a while. Was hoping for one good fem but the odds are looking less than ideal, bad luck on the bean pop *sigh*



Well-Known Member
Well, I think today the buds will go into paper bags for a couple days to finish the drying process. I think I will pop a few beans, I think I will call them - The Matrix aka Chemalope

"And some man live his life
For profits alone
That very same man
He lives his life all alone
And the road to life
Yes it goes up and down
Doesn't really matter
As long as the music goes on
Hey mister collie man
Why don't you come round no more
Hey mister collie collie man
Don't you hear me troubled call
Hey mister collie man
Look i didn't come to disturb
You best not be come 'round here
Unless you've got me sensi herb"
Well, I think today the buds will go into paper bags for a couple days to finish the drying process. I think I will pop a few beans, I think I will call them - The Matrix aka Chemalope

"And some man live his life
For profits alone
That very same man
He lives his life all alone
And the road to life
Yes it goes up and down
Doesn't really matter
As long as the music goes on
Hey mister collie man
Why don't you come round no more
Hey mister collie collie man
Don't you hear me troubled call
Hey mister collie man
Look i didn't come to disturb
You best not be come 'round here
Unless you've got me sensi herb"
Love me some Slightly Stoopid.


Well-Known Member
Got the new tent up in literally 7 minutes, the small ones are way easier than bigger tents to put together. Looks like my flood table won't fit unless I set the table on the res... Hmm... I'll have to think of something. Anyways, it's a rainy day so I'll be smoking on some super sonic kronacryptolite :D oh yeah, a fan fell on my only spb but I think it will survive, and the 24kwg that's outside got a bit of a storm before I brought it inside :( poor things :(20150206_155247.jpg20150206_131143.jpg 20150206_123736.jpg 20150206_122332.jpg


Well-Known Member
I got some beefier net pots for the next grow they are 5.5" instead of 5" and they are much more durable. The holes are a bit bigger as well. Hoping Imight be able to reuse them. The last ones were flimsy and the roots were so fat (the size of sharpies) it destroyed the old ones :p

There are root bumps on the clones so I think by next weekend I'll be able to transplant them to the ebb system for round two. I'll be training them a bit different, I will be only topping 3x aand will flower sooner. Maybe 2 weeks veg time. Hoping for less larf and smaller single colas. 20150208_144523.jpg20150208_144242.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just a penny for my thoughts.

Years ago there was so much useful information around riu, many of the members have decided to leave (don't blame them honestly, I've been around for at least 7 years, just a new name) but over time i get the sense that it's more of opinions and not facts... Kinda sad in a way. It's their way or the highway in most cases. Even if their way is severely flawed and based on nothing more than a thought in the wind.. See, I like useful info and exchanging ideas without getting hounded because my ideas are not you're ideas. I try to give as much helpful and legitimate /truthful info as I can. Many give opinions that aren't worth a whole lot because it's based on unicorn fairy dust ideology. I've been growing for a long long time, I may not be 100 years old, but I have more hands on experience than a freaking wizard. I've grown more plants than the Amazon. And yet, I still learn, but the useless info (so much out there) feels like it's just adding wasted space in my ol brain. Cest LA vie.

Thats all folks :p


Well-Known Member
I know whatcha mean, Alpha.

I've been around the forums (not just this one) for quite some time. Hopefully RIU can get back to where it once was. A lot of the posters I liked have completely moved away from here.


Well-Known Member
Right on Smokeal0t, I'm not sure when it changed but it seemed like it all happened over night- There still are a few good eggs on here, but it seems there's a lot more bad eggs. When a person can't share legit knowledge, whether it be science or hands on experience, with out some one saying "nope, it's this way only, don't do that", then it seems nothing will be learned. Probably why a lot of grows are so sub par here- because they use the "it's my way or the highway" method :p