A beautiful discovery


Well-Known Member
oh well. out of sheer curiosity, any idea what it really is?
its a weed ... just not the smokey type :)

I'm no Botanist by a long mile ... but it looks like some kind of Ragweed ...as pointed out above ... you would prolly get more of a hit if you smoked the picture ( that made me laugh :) )... just let it be and stick with the stuff you get from your buddy from work :)

But hey .... while your here ... now might be a good time to look into starting a little hobby of your own :)

ether way ... Good luck and peace and good things :)


Active Member
its not bud one leave that doesnt even make sense it has 2 leaves with no fingers at first then 3 fingers then five after a few sets of 3 then 7 then 9 i dont no if u have aids or what but ur getting way to exited u cant tell strain and gender will come at maturity strain if ur good at it when the plants harvested ull no by sight and dont fuck around and start a grow u cock

I just pasted this into Word and the little paperclip brought me to amazon.com with two Dick and Jane books in the shopping cart.
@ diggy420 f u dude i was just being funny and yes i can be helpful but this kid asked for it everyone knows that it was dumb what i said and immature but funny