Well-Known Member
This is simply amazing...

Hey, I was reading your sig and I realized that it says "This is all non-fiction." Do you realize that non-fiction means it's for real. HeheheLol i wouldnt give you one grand you have 21 posts, not that it means you dont know how to grow but not a good sign IMO haha
LOL yes that is true.Hey, I was reading your sig and I realized that it says "This is all non-fiction." Do you realize that non-fiction means it's for real. Hehehe.
Fiction (Latin: fictum, "created") is a branch of literature which deals, in part or in whole, with temporally contrafactual events (events that are not true at the time of writing). In contrast to this is Non-Fiction, which deals exclusively in factual events (e.g.: biographies, histories).
oh lol no worries rest assured i can grow weed with a flash light and a coat hanger... macguyver style... no actually i was a care taker for a green cross grower at the young age of 16 now at 31 im pretty good at growin smoke, not so good at typing or grammer , only for personal medical useage though, i am always willing to help other if it looks like they need a handLol i wouldnt give you one grand you have 21 posts, not that it means you dont know how to grow but not a good sign IMO haha
Im going 12/12 tomorrow... just picked up some advanced sensi part A an B....
If I still grow after this run ill most likely go with a big generator an build a sound proof shed around it...
As of right now i have only put about $100 into this setup. A friend of mine made me a deal, I pay for half the rent an bills an he pays for everything else. I know this isn't the best setup but I do get half of the crop an half of the equipment.
Im pretty sure most of you would do the same the first time around...
Where in the world are you finding panels that produce 1800 watts as in 1.8kw/ Hr for $1600?
I have looked for months before and literally all last night after reading your posts about this. The only systems/ panels I can find that will produce that amount of power are around 15-20k...
If what you say is true EVERYONE should be making the conversion to solar.. especially for your normal home usage.
Please inform me on this with a link or contact to where I can find them. I would love to purchase many at that price... and heres a thought what if we did a group buy on panels for a reduced price?
Sorry did'nt mean to jack the thread just really wondering how thats possible.
i have 8 of the same panels for my home/grow on my garage, i agree solar would be the way to go some of the gen-sets are pretty spenty to make the power he is wanting not to mention the 100 gallon of fuel it cost to run everyday and the servicing that runs a few hundred dollars every two weeksDude if you get a solar panel that produced 1.8KW/H for $1600 then your gettin riped off. I have a site where you can buy a 7.31KW/H solar panel for $940 apiece. Given.. you do half to buy a pallet of these solar panels to get this awesome deal. There are 34 solar panels on a pallet and it cost $31,930. But, if your going to put panels on your entire house and you have a 4 bedroom big house then this is a deal of a lifetime. Here is the link...
I was lookin at the sanyo panels towards the bottom
wrong each panel is rated at 216w each at that spec 40 panels gather 8640 watts or 8.6 kw/hr, i have the same panels that his link was showing were you get 20k for a solar set up your getting ripped off my whole system installed with a 8 panel/ 40 cell power storage aray cost less then 13k, my system with the 8 panels gathers 1728 w/hrOn that panel link you do realise if it says 1600 watts and 40 panels that 1600 watts is the entire panel wattage not each cell panel right thats about 40 watts each not 1600 watts each
do u have a link to where 1 can see that.....
or name of make & model ......