911 We need a doctor STAT!!!!!!!


New Member
Well my little beauty, just isn't looking so beautiful anymore and I don't know why, but I'm thinking lock out some how or disease. I water with bottled water and use M.G. nutes. Don't have a ph meter, only the drops and that's not realiable because the solution is blue and not clear so I can't really tell what color it should be. I've never had this prob before so I'm kinda stumped, it seems like a few at the same time. That's why I'm leaning on lock out but, I flushed a week ago and it's progressively getting worse, maybe it's deffs? I just picked a bunch of dead shriveld up to nothing leafs off her this morning. and the middle ones are hurting pretty bad and will end up like the ones I picked off today if I don't do something. I'm in 2 weeks of flower, vegged for around 2 months and is my only flowering plant I have right now and am getting low on meds. So if this one don't come through for me.......I'm screwed. I need a doctor quick.
Here's some ugly pix about to show, if you have a weak stomach, don't look. lol



New Member
the last 3 pics are from a couple days befroe the others, my girl is going down quickly, some pics look like P deff I think but there's more to it
Well if you want my simi expert opinion I would think root-rot that led to a disease. My friend is growing hydro and had the same problem and I told him to put some Hydrogen Peroxide and its starting to clear up a little. If you do this just do like a table spoon and a teaspoon to a gallon. But you could see about the p/k nutes to, but I don't think it is.


New Member
thanks for your sugestion. I actually did that after I flushed. I waited till dry again, and gave 1/4 of flower nutes and 2 cap fulls of peroxide, and 2 grms of cal/mag. Just seems to be getting worse, so you think it is a disease? I think it could very well be nute deff as well, cause I didn't feed the whole veg time cause of the M.G. soil and gave her veg nutes the first week of 12/12 then gave half veg and half flower nutes for 2nd week of flower, now just flower nutes but very small amounts cause of the soil, but the nutes my be eaten outta the soil now so I may just have to up the nutes? I'm hopeing so, I just watered yesterday so I'll have to wait a few days. She's still drinking a gallon every 2-3 days so I don't think it's root rot as I only water when dry and I checked out the roots before I flushed, the seem to be nice and white, but hit the bottem and are about halfway up the pot again. I don't belive in root bound anymore after the party cup comp. That 16oz cup was packed full, it was just a mass of roots and the plant was healthy right to the day I chopped her.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying this is the case but have you considered your water as the problem? Click on the link in my sig and take a look at that thread. :mrgreen:


New Member
I use bottled water from Sobey's it's spring water and on the bottle say p.p.m is 95 is that good?


Well-Known Member
2-3 grs every couple weeks
It's really hard to tell what's going on with your plants. It could be pH although if you're growing in a decent soil it's doubtful. It doesn't look like mag or calcium deficiency to me. How often are you feeding and how much? :bigjoint:


New Member
That's the thing, I think I'm just REALLY under feeding her, I didn't feed her at all during veg because of the time realeased nutes, and veg'd for around 2 months or a little over. Used veg nutes for 1st week of flower and half and half on 2nd week then just flower nutes from then on. I nute once a week with 1/4 of reconmondation on bottle. Might just be time to bump up the nutes. She drinks a gal every 2-3 days, even after the flush only took her 3-4 days and she was bone dry. I just watered her yesterday and give her a feeding of 1/2 the nutes on the back see if it makes a diff. She is 2 weeks from showing sex.
thanks for the responces man, appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
That's the thing, I think I'm just REALLY under feeding her, I didn't feed her at all during veg because of the time realeased nutes, and veg'd for around 2 months or a little over. Used veg nutes for 1st week of flower and half and half on 2nd week then just flower nutes from then on. I nute once a week with 1/4 of reconmondation on bottle. Might just be time to bump up the nutes. She drinks a gal every 2-3 days, even after the flush only took her 3-4 days and she was bone dry. I just watered her yesterday and give her a feeding of 1/2 the nutes on the back see if it makes a diff. She is 2 weeks from showing sex.
thanks for the responces man, appreciate it.
Give her the recommended dose and see what happens. I think you just nailed it. Sounds like she is starving! I only go with 1/4 dose when I first feed (seedling). Then I go up to full strength and I usually don't have any problems. Flowering plants are using a lot of nutrients so she probably is trying to tell you she's hungry! Best of luck my friend. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
agreed on the starving plant.
i went thru it a while back, was driving me batshit, lol....
scotts makes a general purpose liquid food, its like 10-22-10, my plants seem to love it when they start showing def's... turns em green again in no time


Well-Known Member
agreed on the starving plant.
I went thru it a while back, was driving me batshit, lol....
Scotts makes a general purpose liquid food, its like 10-22-10, my plants seem to love it when they start showing def's... Turns em green again in no time
schultz makes the same a everyday plant food 5 bucks takes care of the def they say when in budding we tend to focus on the p but they still need a blast of n now and again to stay green and vigorous


New Member
lol thanks for your input, I got the basics down, I was just thinking too hard, and making it out worse than it was, I thought it was ph or disease.
I use 15-30-15 so there's enough N could use a little more K, but it usually works good, I was just too cautious of over nuting her cause of the time released nutes, but I think after 2 months, the nutes are gone outta the soil


New Member
thanks for the link, I've seen that site, and a bunch of others but they're incocistent with each other, so hard to tell which ones are right and I haven't found any pics that look like mine.