911 plz help defiency in late stage veg jack herra. pics.


Well-Known Member
hey guys,

so i finally got my tent up and running. and ran into my first defiency issue real quick.
so i have a jack herra plant that is about 45 days old. she lived outside in the sun until about day 40.
when i threw her under the 600w @ 20 hrs. today being about day 5 and im seeing some slight discoloration
that i dont want to take over the plant. the Leaves which were a Healthy dark green a couple days ago
are turning yellow from the inside out it looks like. if someone could plz help me out with the type of defiency and a recomendation as
to how to help it.

i water every other day. it got its first feeding of 1/4 str nectar of the gods line. zues juice and the harvest stuff last week. but so did all the other plants and only this reacted that way. i showed a buddy of mine and he said looks like potassium and a mini zinc defiency. do you agree or disaggree and if agree do you know a good zinc supplement?

The one with 2 plants, the one on the right is this jack about a week or 2 before going into the tent. no apparent health issues other than small lol.
than a healthy close up pic about 2 days b4 the discoloration, 1 day after moving into tent. and than a pic of it today with the discoloration taking over.
any help much appreciated. Rep ++ for anyone with help that works, or @ least good info lol



Well-Known Member
thanks man. thats 2 for the zinc. im gonna see if my local hydro shop has some of that available. any recomendations for the N?


Well-Known Member
ya after googling Zinc defiencies. i def see the resemblance in the 2 plants i have in there.
do you think theres some relation in the fact the moving them from the sun to 600w and slightly altering their amount of sun from
14 to 20 hrs would cause that? i believe one was having the issue prior to relocating but my jack herra pheno was very healthy prior to moving into tent.


Well-Known Member
The lighter-green color is a healthy indicator of new growth. Notice that the new greenery is most evident at the growing points? BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
ya steve the picture on the far right it was healthy, i was using the pic to refer back to its healthier time. the ones on the left is how the plant looks 2 days ago.
Fed some nice Zinc and N yesterday. hopefully they look better today. Also finally hooked up my timer up for 20on/4 off. its been like 23 hrs 45 mins on so far lol


Well-Known Member
helped slightly. still some discoloring but otherwise seemingly healthy. gonna try to get updated pic up tonight.