911, emergency!!!! Wtf?


Well-Known Member
I left for the Dr office today, and everyone was fine. I get back, and my heartiest, biggest baby is looking like this:

Everything went limp! The fan leaves have a "kink" at the node. Is she a goner?
I adjusted the pH of my nute solution last night with vinegar, after I flushed really well. I have 3 others that aren't affected and are looking good. This was the prize baby, tho. I'm gonna try and prop the limbs, let her go, and hope for the best. Any other suggestions are more than welcome.


Sorry they are sideways, it was rushed to get this posted.
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Well-Known Member
Ive seen worse come back. Try giving it some superthrive next time you water, it will help it recover from any kind of shock.


Well-Known Member
It looks like over-watering, but it could also be over-heating if you don't have great vent.

I adjusted the pH of my nute solution last night with vinegar, after I flushed really well. I have 3 others that aren't affected and are looking good. This was the prize baby, tho. I'm gonna try and prop the limbs, let her go, and hope for the best. Any other suggestions are more than welcome.
Yikes, I wouldn't use vinegar, IMO. Try using Lemon juice next time, or spend the money and get pH Down.


New Member
Yeah don't prop the limbs, might need a bigger pot, but to me it looks like over water let the soil dry and see if she don't perk up.


Well-Known Member
Thanx. I feel a bit better, however I did lop off some of the fans that were really bent and kinked. GOD, I hope she don't croak!!! If I didn't have bad luck...........

They er in 4 gal pots, I started the superthrive last night. I'm gonna let her dry out and see what happens. I am using the superthrive when I water now. If it is indeed overwtering, it'll be a bit before I water again. Funny the rest haven't been affected. (Knock wood)
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Well-Known Member
It looks like over-watering, but it could also be over-heating if you don't have great vent.

Yikes, I wouldn't use vinegar, IMO. Try using Lemon juice next time, or spend the money and get pH Down.

Hose me down and call me flipper!!!! I shoulda thought of that!!! I have lemon juice (Key Lime juice). I'll know better next time.
Ventilation/Heat build up isn't an issue.


Well-Known Member
either over watering or under watering. the problems look identical. How much and when did you water last. Im assuming your soil doenst dain that well, so your probably have a muddy sluggish mix in the bottom of your pots. I also use a 30% mix of perelite to help drainage and keep the roots nice and loose and happy


Well-Known Member
overwatering...classic sign...leaves become too heavy for stems....when you have an underwatering issue everything just goes straight down...but you can see that the beginning of your branches from the trunk still stand up a bit. :mrgreen:
let her dry and next time you water give the roots a shot of h202 to give em a little extra 02 and to kill any anerobic bacteria that may build up in the wet soil. other than that she is lookin good my man :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
this same thing happened to my 6 footer 2 weeks into flowering....it was grown inside..i must of water it to much.....so what i did was i poked holes in the bottom of my buckets put them on 12/12 lightcycle for a week nd didnt water for 2-3 on thie third day it started looking alot better nd eventually it grew to be 7 feet nd i got just under 3/4 pds...just let it fix it self dont water it let it sit for a while until sighns of life apperar ...happy smokin:)


Well-Known Member
either over watering or under watering. the problems look identical. How much and when did you water last. Im assuming your soil doenst dain that well, so your probably have a muddy sluggish mix in the bottom of your pots. I also use a 30% mix of perelite to help drainage and keep the roots nice and loose and happy

Definately over water. I flushed the shit out of them last night, and then fed them with superthrive, MG Planting and transplant (4-12-4), and some magnesium sulphate. Of course, I pH balanced the nute solution vith vinegar. I cant see how that would have hurt, acid being acid and base being base each one neutralizes the other.
I have drilled a shitload of holes 1/4" in the bottoms and along the bottom edges of the 4 gal buckets, so they drain pretty well. I may add holes to the rest (I have 30 buckets), and to these after harvest.
Should I be feeding any nitrogen at this stage? I know to flush them again at least a week before harvest, and give them only water.


Well-Known Member
ph neutrality is good...but if you are high or low then you are better flushing than adding some bullshit...flushing is tried and true....and effective


Well-Known Member
Lets re-examine this flushing thing. I have a 4 gal bucket (plants are in 4 gal buckets) that I flush the plants with. at least three 4 gal buckets of water (tap) for the flush.
I BELIEVE I drilled enough holes in the buckets for drainage. (I cannot fill the bucket 1\2 way with a hose running constant) I could be wrong. The drainage holes are 1\4" and I have 12 holes along the bottom edge, and about 30 in the bottom.
Can flushing contribute to over watering? What constitutes overwatering? If all the water drains out except the water retained by the soil, can this be considered overwatering?
Is overwatering REALLY indicative of not enough drainage?
Whats got me is I treated 4 plants the same way, and only this one (my BEST) is affected.


New Member
you may also want to check the tds of your tap water. if you can put her outside. i had one just like the first pics and w/ the heat of the sun and a breeze she recovered. best of luck to ya


New Member
drainage, drainage, drainage, so, so, important!!!! try transplanting into new soil. hell what do you have to lose. new soil should have lots of perlite, vermiculite, etc. i personally put a layer of small rocks at the bottom of my pots, and about a 2" layer of perlite. then the soil w/ lots of perlite. but again i would look at the tds of your tap water!!!


Well-Known Member
drainage, drainage, drainage, so, so, important!!!! try transplanting into new soil. hell what do you have to lose. new soil should have lots of perlite, vermiculite, etc. i personally put a layer of small rocks at the bottom of my pots, and about a 2" layer of perlite. then the soil w/ lots of perlite. but again i would look at the tds of your tap water!!!

I already know that there are alot of TDS. I am building and installing a reverse osmosis unit, and will fill a nalgene photo chemical container (25 gal) with a floating lid to store water and nutes. I do have ablout 3" of gravel at the bottom, soil consists of an organic sterilized soil by a local nursery (Holcombs) at a mixture of 1/3 soil( soil has some perlite in it), 1/3 perlite, and 1/3 vermiculite.
Moving her outside isn't really an option. She could be seen by nosy neighbors, or from the road.
I am leaving her under the lights for a bit. I upped the aeration (fans) to give more circulation, but if she's not recovering in a day or so, I'm tarshing her.
Are the buds worth saving? She was into week 4 of flowering, and was getting some fat ones. (lots of 'em)
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Active Member
i think all that "flushing" and messing is what is killing your plant.
you could transplant into soil with better drainage.
AND/OR, next time you water it, which shouldn't be for about a week, just use water. don't add anything to it. check/adjust the ph, and that's it.
maybe i am missing something, but flushing soil is nothing more than intentional over watering. it might rinse some unnecessary nutes from the soil and let the plant rinse itself out a bit, but it still turns the soil into root-choking, gnat-infested mud.
how is that good for the plant?
i say leave the flushing for the hydro guys... and toilets.
resist the temptation to over water. don't give it little sips, every other day. give it a good gulp (water thoroughly) and then give the plant some time to use the water as nature intended.
go easy on the fertilizer.
straight water for the last three waterings before harvest, and your plants will be healthy and buds won't taste like crap.
again, i don't claim to be an expert. that's why i try to keep it simple.
the plant knows exactly what it is doing. most of us are just guessing.
btw, that's a nice plant. it should bounce back.


Well-Known Member
i think all that "flushing" and messing is what is killing your plant.
you could transplant into soil with better drainage.
AND/OR, next time you water it, which shouldn't be for about a week, just use water. don't add anything to it. check/adjust the ph, and that's it.
maybe i am missing something, but flushing soil is nothing more than intentional over watering. it might rinse some unnecessary nutes from the soil and let the plant rinse itself out a bit, but it still turns the soil into root-choking, gnat-infested mud.
how is that good for the plant?
i say leave the flushing for the hydro guys... and toilets.
resist the temptation to over water. don't give it little sips, every other day. give it a good gulp (water thoroughly) and then give the plant some time to use the water as nature intended.
go easy on the fertilizer.
straight water for the last three waterings before harvest, and your plants will be healthy and buds won't taste like crap.
again, i don't claim to be an expert. that's why i try to keep it simple.
the plant knows exactly what it is doing. most of us are just guessing.
btw, that's a nice plant. it should bounce back.

This was only the second flush. I am following the path of those who have been at it longer than I. I take info from alot of different sources, and tend to go with what is recommended by more than one or two people and flushing seems to be recommended alot to prevent/cure salts/nute lockout.
But I have to agree with you. When I heard about flushing the salts out I was divided about it. It makes sense to do it, but to me (and you also) it amounts to deliberate overwatering. I cannot believe (I could be wrong) that I do not have adequate drainage in my pots. 4 gal pots should be PLENTY big enough, and it only affected that one plant!! (I wish Murphy would move on)