911 call excuse for cops to come to your house


Well-Known Member
ok my main disagreement with you thecloset is that the cops DO NOT racially profile. they profile in general but not racialy... ex: a cop is not going to waste his time pulling over a clean cut white guy driving a escalade. just as he is not going to pull over a clean cut black man driving an escalade... no if that escalade has $5000 dollar rims on in and a black guy that is wearing a red bandana over his mug with bling bling all over the place.. its a different story!! i dont believe that cops use racial profiling as much as you think. especially local cops., you have to understand that cops are the most hated people on earth. they have one of the hardest jobs you caould have. every time they pull someone over or every time they show up on someones doorstep they get shit on!! sometimes over stupid things like speeding tickets.. its just the general population doesnt understand how hard of a job these guys have. thats why i said earlier i tend to give them the benifit of the doubt because deep down most police officers do what they do becauce they want to protect people. not make their life more difficult!!
benefit of the doubt tho aye?????

New Bill To Allow Police Misconduct Be Hidden From Public

HAHAHAHAHAHA but one state wants to hide police brutality...

how do you justify this shit jake?

New Bill To Allow Police Misconduct Be Hidden From Public

i bet you wont justify when they BEATING the shit outta your ass and your state just happens to pass a bill letting the police department classify those video tapes of you GETTING YOUR ASS WHOOPED top secret tho....


loudblunts you call me ignorant becuase i havent walked a mile in someone elses shoes, and that my statements prove how ignorant i am. just because i have a different opinion doesnt mean i am ignorant nor does it mean i am racist. what gives you the right to call me ignorant.. im sorry to say but out of all that rambling on your post i was unable to correlate how any of what i said previously makes me ignorant? since you are the all- mighty- know- it- all??? i stick by my original point! while the police make mistakes for the most part they are here to protect you! so maybe you should have some respect!!


Well-Known Member
you ignored my last 2 post tho huh?

lol i see you failed to come up with an answer....or can you not justify those?

da man1

Active Member
O.K. Loudblunt, I saw a whole lot of words but you didn't say much other than giving a definition of racism and telling everyone that it was not possible for a black person to be racist. Racism is very real. I prefer to think your 80% - 20% stat should be flipped. I think people are usually judged by what they look like as opposed to what color they look like. I think you find what you look for. If you expect to be racially profiled every time someone approaches you about something negative you will find it racist. I stick by what I said a few pages back... If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck. If it is duck season try looking like a fuckin bunny. If you smoke pot try to look like you don't! No matter if your green, black, purple or white.


Active Member
oh so i guess drug infested neighborhoods are usually white neighborhoods??? im not racist im actually mixed half white half black. and people shouldnt have to change the way they dress to prevent from being harrassed by police. im pretty sure freedom of expression is supposed to be one of our country's most cherished values... the only reason i immediately brought up race was because racial profiling is the most common type of profiling used by police... ive experienced it first hand. try not to say fuck the police and racial profiling when ur walking down the street minding ur business and you get tackled by police others coming with guns drawn you have a cast on your arm from a recent surgery that goes above the elbow and they continue to force your arm behind your back to put you in cuffs that wont even fit around the cast anyway... some bitch cop with a pissy ass attitude comes and stomps on your 200 dollar sunglasses while ur pressed to the ground. and in the end they find out im not the person their looking for but i "fit the description"... no apology no nothin except a scratched up face and chest and a busted ass pair of sunglasses.... just because i happened to have some color in my skin in a mostly white area. and its worse in the "drug infested neighborhoods". cops drive down the street and randomly stop people just to run their name and check for warrants... no probable cause no regard for the law at all. the reason people say fuck the police is because theyre just as unlawful as the people that they are arresting. im sorry if some of you have been somehow sheltered from the reality of what the police are doing on these streets but dont try to tell me that its somehow my fault or something im doing

well said i couldnt agree more , these ppl that think the cops are cool & just do their jobs obviously live in the middle of nowhere ... come to detroit MI & stay for a while u will change ur thoughts very quick ,, all crooked cops ,, fuck even the mayor is a crooked SOB , stole 9 million to go on vacation & party ,, when a party at the mayors manchin ( big house) they had a stripper ,,, then the stripper told ppl & the mayor is married & did not want teh wifey to find out so he had her killed ,, that dancer was guned down while driving thru the D ,,,, pull you over & search your car for no reason .... ** u have rights ..???? yeah right tell the cops ur not gettin out of your car & see what they do , after they beat ur fukin ass u lay there & wait to get robbed by crackheads ,,...... search your house ,, they need a warrent ,, ,LMFAO thats the funniest thing iv herd ,, if u dont let them in , u get a flash granade thru ur window & their armored tank rips off your front door ,,, not for a raid ,, this is just normal police activity ...


so i have to be mexican or black like you to understand police brutality..im not saying it never happens. there are cops out there that live for that shit!! but i have respect for the ones that put on the uniform everyday in order to provide a better quality of life for the general population!!


Well-Known Member
and jake i apologize if you think i called you ignorant.

im not calling you ignorant. im saying the way you think, the justification and your trust & love for police is ignorant. think outside the box sometimes man....

da man1

Active Member
well said i couldnt agree more , these ppl that think the cops are cool & just do their jobs obviously live in the middle of nowhere ... come to detroit MI & stay for a while u will change ur thoughts very quick ,, all crooked cops ,, fuck even the mayor is a crooked SOB , stole 9 million to go on vacation & party ,, when a party at the mayors manchin ( big house) they had a stripper ,,, then the stripper told ppl & the mayor is married & did not want teh wifey to find out so he had her killed ,, that dancer was guned down while driving thru the D ,,,, pull you over & search your car for no reason .... ** u have rights ..???? yeah right tell the cops ur not gettin out of your car & see what they do , after they beat ur fukin ass u lay there & wait to get robbed by crackheads ,,...... search your house ,, they need a warrent ,, ,LMFAO thats the funniest thing iv herd ,, if u dont let them in , u get a flash granade thru ur window & their armored tank rips off your front door ,,, not for a raid ,, this is just normal police activity ...
Sounds like exactly what would happen to a white guy driving thru compton!


Well-Known Member
O.K. Loudblunt, I saw a whole lot of words but you didn't say much other than giving a definition of racism and telling everyone that it was not possible for a black person to be racist. Racism is very real. I prefer to think your 80% - 20% stat should be flipped. I think people are usually judged by what they look like as opposed to what color they look like. I think you find what you look for. If you expect to be racially profiled every time someone approaches you about something negative you will find it racist. I stick by what I said a few pages back... If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck. If it is duck season try looking like a fuckin bunny. If you smoke pot try to look like you don't! No matter if your green, black, purple or white.

LMAO.... so you're saying people look at other peoples clothes before race?

ROFL@!!!!!! classism before racism?

yea right. you definitely dont deserve a response from me

da man1

Active Member
Sounds like exactly what would happen to a white guy driving thru compton!
and you don't have a constitutional right to stay in your car when the cops tell you to get out. I'm not sayin you but some people don't know their rights but often feel they are violated.


thanks loudblunts.. but i want everyone here to know that i do not trust the police authority blindley i do realize there are police that beat the shit out of black people because they are racists. my point is that those police officers are few and far between.. i respect the police as much as someone who grows cannabis can lol. ... the police officers that get out of bed in the morning to protect you and your family from ruthless criminals should be respected and all be it my way of thinking may be inside the box for your standards i challenge you to look at my views with more than just a grain of salt.. try to understand where i am comming from befor you call my views ignorant!!

da man1

Active Member
LMAO.... so you're saying people look at other peoples clothes before race?

ROFL@!!!!!! classism before racism?

yea right. you definitely dont deserve a response from me
All I'm saying is if you think everyone is racist. then when you get pulled over or someone locks their car door when you walk by or your boss tells you to tuck you shirt in then you will see them as racist. I didn't say there is no racism, I'm saying not everytime and not everybody.


Active Member
how is that msnbc report anymore fact than my opinion ??
all that is, is some journalists opinion.
ask your son if he has ever reported someones criminal behavior when he was on scene soley to help!
Ok I did your research for you:

Firefighters To Help In Fight Against Terrorism - ACLU Speaks Out : Homeland Security National Terror Alert - Homeland Security News

And from the ACLU website:

American Civil Liberties Union : New “Fusion Centers” Must Be Open, Carefully Monitored and Subject to Restraints, ACLU Says In New Report

This program is a fact. Facts outweigh uneducated opinions. For the third time - I am not bashing the individual firefighters and paramedics here. This is not their fault in any way.


Well-Known Member
it's simple.


A cop wants to come inside tell them NICELY no
They keep persisting to come in tell them to get a warrant
By the time they get that you can have your plants / buds / anything else gone.

A few years ago the cops raided my uncles place.he didnt have any weed but alot of weapons.He was downstairs so the cops sit one of there dogs down there.My uncle shot the dog,and to say the least..when they got my uncle...it didnt end good for him

But also haveing a trained dog is always good.It can alert you when someone is at your house.So if your in another room or something you can always be aware.


Active Member
teh police that get up everyday lookin forward to serving tha comminuty are the ones in all actuality that look forward to driving around in a cop car ,, lookin like thay are teh shyt ,, wastin taxpayers money to buy their gas ,, there fuckers dont serve shit ,,, everyday cops are called to help ppl ,, do they ever come ,, yes wayyy after its too late ... so pretty much pointless to call them in teh 1st place ,,, im not black or mexican ,, im as white as they come , i reside in teh southwest side of detroit which is mainly mexican here , most teh cops are white & ride 3 or 4 deep in the squad car ,, these are the shadiest group of fukers that ever walked the earth


no you are only contributing to people who will act violently against firemen and EMTs when they are on scene.. listen im not going to do research because i know what happens first hand.. you dont have to wave your "facts" in my face telling me "this is the way thing are" when i know personally thats not how things are conducted!! ask your son he will set you straight!

Unlike police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel don’t need warrants to enter a building. And now, they are being asked to keep an eye out for suspicious items like building blueprints or bomb-making materials that could be a sign of terrorist activity or planning.

that is a paragraph from that article.. if the bulding is on fire no they dont!! but than again if the bulding is on fire they arent there to do a fucking investigation either.. jennyj i still dont see how any of that amounts to fact. the ACLU is one of the most one sided organizations in the country ??


Well-Known Member
thanks loudblunts.. but i want everyone here to know that i do not trust the police authority blindley i do realize there are police that beat the shit out of black people because they are racists. my point is that those police officers are few and far between.. i respect the police as much as someone who grows cannabis can lol. ... the police officers that get out of bed in the morning to protect you and your family from ruthless criminals should be respected and all be it my way of thinking may be inside the box for your standards i challenge you to look at my views with more than just a grain of salt.. try to understand where i am comming from befor you call my views ignorant!!

i've dated a police officer. she told me the ends AND outs.

she told me how much her coworkers are crooked. how racist they are. and how sexist they are. did i leave out classist as well?

i've taken your views with more than just a grain of salt.

i just so happen to be on both sides of the fence at the time, and i dont think your experience can come close to mines at all!