Well-Known Member
After a great deal of research and several batches I have found a quick easy method of making your own colloidal silver for producing feminized seeds. Using this equipment and this method it took 90 minutes for me to produce 24 fl oz (3 cups) of 43 ppm colloidal silver. Here is the equipment and simple process that I used.
The Equipment
(3) 9 volt batteries assembled as shown this gives you a 27 volt power source that will last almost indefinitely

(2) pieces of .9999 pure silver. This was a 1 foot piece of 14 gage silver purchased at the local jeweler for less than $15 and then cut in half
you will also need a regular scotch brite scouring pad for cleaning the silver wire before each use

(2) wire leads with alligator clips on both ends

Electrical tape and Gorilla tape (or something to cover jar and spray bottle)
Large mouth quart jar (jar covered to protect colloidal silver from light)

Distilled water

Coffee warmer

TDS Meter ($3

Strainer and coffee filter

Covered spray bottle to protect the colloidal silver from the light

Assembled generator is shown below

I placed 3 cups of distilled water into a sterile container and microwaved it until it was hot and then placed the quart jar (covered with tape) onto the coffee warmer and put the hot water into it. This kept it at 52.2 C (126 F).
Next I placed the silver wire over the edge of the jar with the wire hanging into the distilled water. MAKE SURE that the wires are approximately 1" apart inside the jar.
I then connected the battery array to the silver wires using the alligator clips. I purposely used yellow to show that the polarity is not important, simply connect the positive terminal to one wire and the negative terminal to the other wire. At this time check the wire inside to ensure they have not moved and are still 1" apart.
I took an initial reading on the distilled water of 0 ppm and then additional ppm readings every 15 minutes with the results graphed below.
When the solution reached the desired ppm I removed the leads from the solution and the jar from the warmer and filtered the solution through a coffee filter. This did not effect the ppm reading but did remove some byproducts of the reaction as seen in the photo below. You can also see discoloration of both silver electrodes, one being grey and the other black. This can be removed before the next use by gently scrubbing with the scotch brite pad until they are shiny again.

The finished Colloidal Silver solution should be stored in a dark place until use. The silver suspension is the same chemical that was used in old time photographic plates and is rapidly degraded by light into something unusable for our purpose.
Please understand that this method is the one I use and prefer for speed, ease, and quality of the finished product. With that in mind......
The coffee warmer is optional but without it the process takes 18 - 24 hours and produces considerably more byproduct.
Some sources I read say that you do not have to use pure silver. Please keep in mind that pure silver is inexpensive and easy to obtain and that attempting to use coins or some other item to save a few dollars will not produce as safe or pure of a finished product.
I will try and keep a journal of my attempt to use colloidal silver on a clone only Trainwreck strain I have had for many years. Happy Growing everyone.
The Equipment
(3) 9 volt batteries assembled as shown this gives you a 27 volt power source that will last almost indefinitely

(2) pieces of .9999 pure silver. This was a 1 foot piece of 14 gage silver purchased at the local jeweler for less than $15 and then cut in half
you will also need a regular scotch brite scouring pad for cleaning the silver wire before each use

(2) wire leads with alligator clips on both ends

Electrical tape and Gorilla tape (or something to cover jar and spray bottle)

Large mouth quart jar (jar covered to protect colloidal silver from light)

Distilled water

Coffee warmer

TDS Meter ($3

Strainer and coffee filter

Covered spray bottle to protect the colloidal silver from the light

Assembled generator is shown below

I placed 3 cups of distilled water into a sterile container and microwaved it until it was hot and then placed the quart jar (covered with tape) onto the coffee warmer and put the hot water into it. This kept it at 52.2 C (126 F).
Next I placed the silver wire over the edge of the jar with the wire hanging into the distilled water. MAKE SURE that the wires are approximately 1" apart inside the jar.
I then connected the battery array to the silver wires using the alligator clips. I purposely used yellow to show that the polarity is not important, simply connect the positive terminal to one wire and the negative terminal to the other wire. At this time check the wire inside to ensure they have not moved and are still 1" apart.
I took an initial reading on the distilled water of 0 ppm and then additional ppm readings every 15 minutes with the results graphed below.
When the solution reached the desired ppm I removed the leads from the solution and the jar from the warmer and filtered the solution through a coffee filter. This did not effect the ppm reading but did remove some byproducts of the reaction as seen in the photo below. You can also see discoloration of both silver electrodes, one being grey and the other black. This can be removed before the next use by gently scrubbing with the scotch brite pad until they are shiny again.

The finished Colloidal Silver solution should be stored in a dark place until use. The silver suspension is the same chemical that was used in old time photographic plates and is rapidly degraded by light into something unusable for our purpose.
Please understand that this method is the one I use and prefer for speed, ease, and quality of the finished product. With that in mind......
The coffee warmer is optional but without it the process takes 18 - 24 hours and produces considerably more byproduct.
Some sources I read say that you do not have to use pure silver. Please keep in mind that pure silver is inexpensive and easy to obtain and that attempting to use coins or some other item to save a few dollars will not produce as safe or pure of a finished product.
I will try and keep a journal of my attempt to use colloidal silver on a clone only Trainwreck strain I have had for many years. Happy Growing everyone.