9 x 14 Room Setup


Hello Everyone!! I wanted to ask a couple of questions. I am wanting to set up a room that will allow me to harvest every 2 weeks. I was thinking of running 4 1000 lights in the room size of 9x14. My Idea is to have 16 plants under each light. Each set of plants would be 2 weeks ahead of the next in flowering stage. I will have a seperate area for cloning and vegging. This will be my first room design and would like any and all advice/input you might have.

Thanks so much!!!


Active Member
seems like alot of plants under each light. you want 64 plants in 126 sq ft.. that is only 2 sq ft per plant..
I have 4-6 plants under each 1000.


Well-Known Member


Thanks Corbat!!!!

What do you think about running 2 600s over each table rather than one 1000... Do you think this will help with temp issues?