9 week old outdoor marijuana need some help... hollaa


Active Member
waddup fellas i have 3 plants there all 9 weeks i need help determining the sex the pistols on the biggest one are brown idk why and the others are just fuckn small for no reason idk why oh yea and on the new growth on the biggest one theres some purple shit on the leaves idk wtf it is so if yall can help me then holla heres a video :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUyiembhlKo&feature=g-upl


Undercover Mod
There small because they aren't getting enough light. Like the big one they aren't developing secondary branches that is when you will be able to tell if they are male or female. Move them and they will pick up, you won't yield much if you dont move them soon.


Well-Known Member
Can you take some pictures instead? Video does shit all. What kind of soil are you using, feeding them any nutes, plain tapwater? Your plants look very stretched for light move them out into the light more. The small ones look like they're not getting something obviously. Maybe they're being eaten by bugs? Need more info, and pictures.


Active Member
damn yall replyed quick lol, anyways i made some cannabis tea thats wat im feedn them its an organic grow and theres a creeek beside them so i feed them with that but im bout to upload some pics and they get sunlight all day where there at so i dont think thats a problem i have no clue waaat kind of dirt it is, its some dirt that my dad bought at this place where u can buy truck loads of dirt


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's the genetics? Maybe it's being affected by something like mold, or growth is stunted due to something. You say their's some kind of purple stuff on the plant? Take some pictures!


Well-Known Member
Also male vs female. The females will have wispy little hairs that grow on the top of the plant. That's where you'll see first signs of sex always at the top. With males you will see little ball clusters. Almost like a banana cluster. I'm guessing they're males since they're so stretched as males tend to do that.


Active Member
i dont think its a male becuase it has white pistold but some are brown from the tips and i toped the big one thats why its so big i just recently transplanted it into the recylcin bin and it started gettn beasty it smells like some kush tho
If light isn’t your problem you’re probably dealing with a male. In my experience males tend to shoot straight up and don’t focus quite as much on side branch growth. There are so many variables it’s kind of hard to tell especially with a shaky video.
i dont think its a male becuase it has white pistold but some are brown from the tips and i toped the big one thats why its so big i just recently transplanted it into the recylcin bin and it started gettn beasty it smells like some kush tho
Topping the big one should have slowed upwards growth and induced side growth. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.


Active Member
idk bc i toped it wen it was small then it stoped growin for a few days i put it inside the recylin bin and it started growin like a boss


Well-Known Member
How's the soil? Is it compacted, is it real muddy when it gets wet? Does it stay wet for a long time? Do you have rocks on the bottom of your pot to help with drainage? Maybe the roots are starved for oxygen.

I don't know, I just want to say if it's indeed a female it just looks pretty bad for 9 weeks I think. What strain is it? Mine were topped at nine weeks all mine are bushy except for one I topped where it only has two tops, and two side nodes. I ripped off the back side node though one I wasn't putting in the light.


Active Member
its not to compacted but its not to loose the water drains right threew it, and i think the small ones are so small bc before i transplanted them i had to use these small pots and they were covered in this muddy clay shit so i had to take most the dirt off the small ones and put new dirt on them the small one that i just topped was tiny but after transplantin it started gettn bigger, and u cant really tell on the photos but the big one has purple stuff on the new leaves idk if its from the weather bc it gets like 102 and at night it gets like 60
its not to compacted but its not to loose the water drains right threew it, and i think the small ones are so small bc before i transplanted them i had to use these small pots and they were covered in this muddy clay shit so i had to take most the dirt off the small ones and put new dirt on them the small one that i just topped was tiny but after transplantin it started gettn bigger, and u cant really tell on the photos but the big one has purple stuff on the new leaves idk if its from the weather bc it gets like 102 and at night it gets like 60

Please buddy, for the sake of sanity take a grammar class. I have no idea what you’re saying, I assume because your thoughts are unorganized. Take a second breath, write a response then read the response and make sure it makes sense. Would you write a resume or a serious review in this manner?

By the way, judging from the photos and the situation you’ve “explained” the purple is probably a nitrogen deficiency


Undercover Mod
I don't get why you people ignore experienced growers and take advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Purple has nothing to do with nitrogen def. that is pure stupidity. Purple is genetic variable not a deficency.


Well-Known Member
I don't get why you people ignore experienced growers and take advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Purple has nothing to do with nitrogen def. that is pure stupidity. Purple is genetic variable not a deficency.
I agree.. purple isnt really a N problem. Any plant can turn purple if you leave it in the cold.
I don't get why you people ignore experienced growers and take advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Purple has nothing to do with nitrogen def. that is pure stupidity. Purple is genetic variable not a deficency.
To be honest there are tons of reasons why this could be happening. I
highly doubt this case is the result of temperature, and is probably indicative
to nutrients.

By the way what do you mean pure stupidity? In my opinion giving advise
that the purple is a “genetic variable”, when you don’t have a clue what the
genetics of this plant are is a lackadaisical answer. Giving precarious
solutions doesn't make you sound like much of a “experienced grower”. To me it
sounds like you may be one to take the easy way out and deal with little potency
and small yields.

“To each his own.”


Well-Known Member
Some plants new shoots have a purple tint, it goes away when the shoot gets bigger.