

Well-Known Member
This, to me, is still one of the most puzzling vids I've seen over the last few years on the subject.


Well-Known Member
the day the twin towers were brought down in a controlled demolition/false flag/terrorist attack along with that other building that fell, and that other plane that "crashed" and turned into a small pile of trash and debris, AND a tiny hole was punched through the pentagon by what we were told was some huge plane...if you cant see through the charade then you are truly blind


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, putting the obvious physics problems aside, the question becomes qui bono?

To which, this video proffers a plausible hypothesis that sounds crazy enough to work.



Well-Known Member
Terrorists attacked and our government took advantage of the situation. Patriot act, NSA, Homeland Security, militarized police forces, expanse on the war on drugs and the DEA's budget, CIA and international and domestic spying programs, prosecution of whistleblowers, the longest war in American history..

I was 13 when that happened


Well-Known Member
Terrorists attacked and our government took advantage of the situation. Patriot act, NSA, Homeland Security, militarized police forces, expanse on the war on drugs and the DEA's budget, CIA and international and domestic spying programs, prosecution of whistleblowers, the longest war in American history..

I was 13 when that happened
Too young to recognise it as an inside job.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Try to catch this on tuesday.
Part 2 but still good shit.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the NSA launched what would become known as “the program” — a massive domestic surveillance operation designed to prevent terrorist attacks by collecting the communications of millions of Americans. “The program” was once among the nation’s most closely guarded secrets, but leaks by insiders like former NSA contractor Edward Snowden have since exposed the operation to the world. Here are some highlights of those leaks, as well as a series of government reports on the NSA programs.



Well-Known Member
John P. Wheeler III, he knew.....

What about the Roland in Houston in 2005 slain by police and on the trail of the DC Madam and Atta and Abramoff's party cruises in Florida?

What about the Pentagon photos or the dude from the Virginia Department of Transportation. Or that the plane just hit the only area in the Pentagon that had just been reconstructed for possible plane collisions which also housed the offices of the BIA? where $2.5 trillion just dissapeared?

You could go on and on with all the unconstructed pieces.

What about the Israeli Moving Van and its deported owner?

Too many loose ends.
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Well-Known Member
John P. Wheeler III, he knew.....

What about the Roland in Houston in 2005 slain by police and on the trail of the DC Madam and Atta and Abramoff's party cruises in Florida?

What about the Pentagon photos or the dude from the Virginia Department of Transportation. Or that the plane just hit the only area in the Pentagon that had just been reconstructed for possible plane collisions which also housed the offices of the BIA? where $2.5 trillion just dissapeared?

You could go on and on with all the unconstructed pieces.

What about the Israeli Moving Van and its deported owner?

Too many loose ends.
The 2.5 trillion is the best bet, follow that lead, the truth is buried inside their insidious plots.


Well-Known Member
In the classroom:

The demeanor, actions and lack of action of Puppet Bush and his supporting services on 9/11 is what suggested to me that all is not what is said to be.
