

http://www.wtc7.net/background.html, I'm not here to debate whether 9/11 happened. obviously we got hit by 2 jets and had 3 structures that were engineered to withstand immense damage collapse, then had intelligence agencys round up the videos of the pentagon being hit and have a whole series of bad backdrops on the news, just sayin.

Personally I'm a bullshitter, so I know lies when I see them. But really? then the 5 dancing israelis videotaping it..the israeli's in the vans with a picture of a plane crashing into a building?.....

Then we have 2 rising powers in the east, china and russia, both who have previously been highly genocidal and murderous. And our now colonies right next to them, afganistan and iraq! woop woop

What else has to line up? How much more is it going to take for everyone to realize that theres no such fucking thing as coincidence?..time may never tell but..trix are for kids, terrorisms for adults.