9/11 what do you think?


Ursus marijanus
Quick search of the web reveals many pictures of molten steel and first responders talking about it, you can also see perfectly cut 45 degree angles on the columns too...
I haven't seen a single instance of molten steel. The so-called"meteorites" could have (and probably were) made at temperatures way below liquidus by a combination of high temps, say an easily-attained 1000 degrees C, and impact consolidation ... essentially a wrought-iron type of process. Blacksmiths turn pig and bloom iron into steel using a refinement on these basic processes while operating typically in the 600 to 1000 degrees C range. Pure iron melts at 1538 C. Cast iron melts at 1130 to 1205 C (with the Fe/C eutectic melting cleanly at 1147 C). The milder the steel, the higher the liquidus point. The invocation of "molten" steel is made difficult by its almost-complete surrender of its modulus even before it melts. cn


Ursus marijanus
No you don't get the milliseconds....simple. 1000 full and fat milliseconds for microsecond events to occur. You have to train your brain to visualize at 1000 frames per second.

Now. Now has no duration at all, in science....remember that. It is vast, not small. The entire universe happens only NOW.

So, visualize. The nose smashes and cockpit enters the building under massive deceleration load. It will drop from 500 mph to Zero in about 1/2 second and carry all the way across, taking out the center shafts. The air crew is already jelly against the instrument panel. 100 milliseconds.

The mass is shredded the building and the building is shredding the plane. Human life is irrelevant now. 200 miliseconds.

The wings impacts the only thing that is solid enough. The cores. We saw the wing prints across many floors. Those Flimsy floors were like reed mats to the 100K pounds of Aircraft. And the wings were knives at that speed.

The wings impacted the elevator cores and burst the fuel tanks.

300 miliseconds.

When that fuel burst, it burst down the shafts as fluid and it the environment as vapor.

Now what is that 300 millisecond environment?

1) giant heat from the collision
2) an aerosol of instant thermite from aluminum and steel vapor
3) a brew of fat and plastic, paper gases and boiled paint and everything in an office that will burn....all of it.

300 millisecond delay is hardly instantaneous explosion.
Heisenberg wasn't so sure. ;) cn


Well-Known Member
Vector momentum, check. Position? Now come on, now, hear me, now? (this bloody thing wasn't even turned on.)


Well-Known Member
In New York, it is not conserved...
But maybe they put the old laws of physics back in place after 12 years, now that most people have forgotten or lost interest.



Well-Known Member
In New York, it is not conserved...
But maybe they put the old laws of physics back in place after 12 years, now that most people have forgotten or lost interest.

about 40 seconds into that video he asserts the force of the falling top section must be less than its weight? And you fall for that bullshit?

Here's a little experiment to show you that something falling has more force than its static weight.

Go find a large nut maybe 15mm or bigger

Place that nut on top of your head (that's it's static weight)

Now get somebody to drop that nut on your head from at least 10 foot higher than your head (average ceiling height)

Perhaps when you understand such basic processes you maybe better equipped to comment on matters of "physics"


Well-Known Member
In New York, it is not conserved...
But maybe they put the old laws of physics back in place after 12 years, now that most people have forgotten or lost interest.

If I understand the video correctly, the argument is that physics precludes the top of the building from crushing the rest of the building (it should have only taken out 12 floors, the video said). Please correct me if I misunderstand.

Because that makes no sense. The structural system was heavily damaged; if it can't bear the load above it, it comes down. If one part comes down, how could any other part bear the load above it, as the load gets progressively heavier and heavier?

Edit: The fact that we have a BA in physics explaining this to us makes me very nervous about its veracity. If this is simple physics, where are all the credible people at?


Well-Known Member
about 40 seconds into that video he asserts the force of the falling top section must be less than its weight? And you fall for that bullshit?
Perhaps when you understand such basic processes you maybe better equipped to comment on matters of "physics"
There is a Normal Force, N (assuming the laws of physics are not being tampered with) which is counter to the applied force (mg). Their sum equals the net force (ma)


Video analysis shows the rate of acceleration to be ~0.64g. Sub that into the equation, and one gets:
N=mg-m(0.64g)=mg(1-0.64)= 0.36mg
36% of the upper block's "weight" is the Normal Force's initial response.

Now perhaps it is YOU who doesn't understand what "weight" means in physics.
It is not the same as MASS which is a component of "weight" and Kinetic Energy, Momentum, etc.
As for your experiment, I have one for you.
Go in an elevator (preferably a fast one) with a scale. Stand on it, record the measurement, then press the button to make the elevator go down...
Make note of what your "weight" is during the acceleration phase, okay?
Then come back and tell me about the "physics" I'm not qualified to discuss. :lol:

If I understand the video correctly, the argument is that physics precludes the top of the building from crushing the rest of the building (it should have only taken out 12 floors, the video said). Please correct me if I misunderstand.

Because that makes no sense. The structural system was heavily damaged; if it can't bear the load above it, it comes down. If one part comes down, how could any other part bear the load above it, as the load gets progressively heavier and heavier?

Edit: The fact that we have a BA in physics explaining this to us makes me very nervous about its veracity. If this is simple physics, where are all the credible people at?

In order for the load to become "progressively heavier and heavier" it would need to remain solid or cohesive, as in an inelastic collision. I am sure you have seen the great quantity of ejected material (including massive panels) that did not follow this prerequisite.
As well, the columns were only carrying 30% of their capacity under static load.
That means they could have withstood a 300% increase in load without "collapsing" (I am neglecting effects of Young's and Shear Modulus...I don't like fucking around with Tensors, either, in the case of rotational torques. Matrices are a pain in the ass for me still).
Now consider--at the 50th floor--the load capacity for the remaining structure would have been able to withstand (perhaps unrealistically) the static force of 1 1/2 towers (composed of 3 pieces equal to the upper half)!
With the loss of all that material previously, how does one reconcile the continuation of the collapse without some magical "dark matter" coming into the picture?
And remember, the upper block was NOT an equal proportion of the total mass.
It was substantially less. Furthermore, it wasn't shaped like a wedge, so it didn't exactly have any great leverage to augment the force (outside of the ~4 meters it initially fell).
And if one reads the NIST report carefully, one will see they even accommodate the initial damage by (rightfully) accounting for the load transfer via the hat-truss (which did its job very well).

As for the "BA in Physics" making you "nervous", are you any more comfortable knowing that people with less education are running countries (especially the USA) or that a couple dozen PhDs and PEs at NIST did not bother considering High School physics principles in their analysis?
After all, it's "simple"...with all of the effort they put into making computer models and coming up with these fantastic theories about fires and softened columns (which never cooled or transferred their heat), sagging joists, etc., one would think they could at least show how (or WHY) momentum was not conserved post-initiation, assuming this was a natural, unaided structural failure.
Actually, it reminds me of a joke I saw on a Chemistry (or was it Earth Sciences?) prof's door.
"You know you're a geek if you can do Vector Calculus, but can't remember how to do long-division..." or something to that effect.
Perhaps these "simple" matters aren't "complex" enough for their refined cerebra?

I'm not sure what you mean by "credible" in this case, either. Are you waiting for Richard Feynman to jump out of the grave and wave pieces of rubber dipped in ice-water? There are plenty of physicists and engineers out there saying this stuff. But they don't care about you, so you might have to look for them yourself instead of waiting for them to appear.

By the way, have you found the section in the NIST study that discusses the actual collapse of the towers, not just the initiation?
I can't find that part... ;)


Well-Known Member
As smart as folks think they are they still swerve off. What is the mass of the air that moved down against those floors?

It is simply more math. Flat plate of known size and orientation, Horizontal. So, no one accounts for all the forces.

The blast wave of the falling upper structure was enormous.

If you get to 1300 t, that is the floor overload max, as quoted here, IAC. So, tell me the mass of air being accelerated down to smash the floor below?

In my millisecond mind I see thru the dust. There is no well formed blast wave at first, but you keep taking about wedge shapes and the lower building having to clear.

If you have that flat plane and the blast front, in the model, it is plain to me a wedge would not have done this. A convex blast front did it.

The 1300 t overload, failed above, who knows....1 floor, 2, 5 failed? IAC, severe overload is what began the cascade.

What is the blast pressure? After the object began to fall, two forces are at play; 1) giant multipliers of 1300 t as floor after floor joined in the failure mode.

2) a powerful blast of air mass was established coming down....not like a wedge. Like a nose cone on re-entry (flat panel) Made a blast wall shaped like the bottom of a bowl. Much better than a wedge. Like a Hammer.

How idiotic to suggest the 1300 t per floor should have held, should have added up to dynamic protection in this unarticulated failure mode. (these floors were already substantially pre-loaded for the failure mode, by the build out of the office spaces.

You cannot seriously fubar that static floor load, to the point that it means what you are saying.

!00 floors, say, add up the static load, (plus dynamic loading of people, elevators and wind load goes on top of that)

But, that doesn't mean the damaged and now nonstructural bare floor at the top, can take 100 x 1300 ton falling on it.

Only the 50,000 t upper object, was needed, obviously.


Well-Known Member
In order for the load to become "progressively heavier and heavier" it would need to remain solid or cohesive, as in an inelastic collision. I am sure you have seen the great quantity of ejected material (including massive panels) that did not follow this prerequisite.
Some material was ejected. Most? Probably not. Half? Probably not. I'm not sure how you want to quantify it, but I think you still have most of the building.

As well, the columns were only carrying 30% of their capacity under static load.
That means they could have withstood a 300% increase in load without "collapsing" (I am neglecting effects of Young's and Shear Modulus...I don't like fucking around with Tensors, either, in the case of rotational torques. Matrices are a pain in the ass for me still).
Now consider--at the 50th floor--the load capacity for the remaining structure would have been able to withstand (perhaps unrealistically) the static force of 1 1/2 towers (composed of 3 pieces equal to the upper half)!
With the loss of all that material previously, how does one reconcile the continuation of the collapse without some magical "dark matter" coming into the picture?
And remember, the upper block was NOT an equal proportion of the total mass.
It was substantially less. Furthermore, it wasn't shaped like a wedge, so it didn't exactly have any great leverage to augment the force (outside of the ~4 meters it initially fell).
And if one reads the NIST report carefully, one will see they even accommodate the initial damage by (rightfully) accounting for the load transfer via the hat-truss (which did its job very well).
I think you would be right about the load capacity in a building that retains its full structural integrity. Collapse 35 damaged floors of the building together and I would think those theoretical notions disappear. Your 50th floor column can withstand such an increase when all is well; when it and its brother columns alone, without the rest of the building, are asked to support the rest of the weight of the building, I think you have a problem.

As for the "BA in Physics" making you "nervous", are you any more comfortable knowing that people with less education are running countries (especially the USA) or that a couple dozen PhDs and PEs at NIST did not bother considering High School physics principles in their analysis?
After all, it's "simple"...with all of the effort they put into making computer models and coming up with these fantastic theories about fires and softened columns (which never cooled or transferred their heat), sagging joists, etc., one would think they could at least show how (or WHY) momentum was not conserved post-initiation, assuming this was a natural, unaided structural failure.
Actually, it reminds me of a joke I saw on a Chemistry (or was it Earth Sciences?) prof's door.
"You know you're a geek if you can do Vector Calculus, but can't remember how to do long-division..." or something to that effect.
Perhaps these "simple" matters aren't "complex" enough for their refined cerebra?
I think it's a very clear indication that some reality of physics is being misunderstood or distorted. This is the case with all 9/11 truth: the theories originate with a non-expert's conjecture. This person is not an expert on physics and not an engineer. Since I'm not either, I can't dispose of the argument on its merits.

I'm not sure what you mean by "credible" in this case, either. Are you waiting for Richard Feynman to jump out of the grave and wave pieces of rubber dipped in ice-water? There are plenty of physicists and engineers out there saying this stuff. But they don't care about you, so you might have to look for them yourself instead of waiting for them to appear.
If reputable people existed, they would be quoted instead of the ones who actually are.


Well-Known Member
As for the "BA in Physics" making you "nervous", are you any more comfortable knowing that people with less education are running countries (especially the USA)

A simple BA in Physics is not nearly enough qualification to run anything in the USA govt. So, where are you from and how do you think you are smart enough to accuse the 9/11 Commission of missing parts of basic High School Physics?


Well-Known Member
The only material ejected was dust. Everything fell straight down including the tons of lose panels shredding the intact outer walls on the way down, releasing more panels to shed even more. Oh, maybe a panel or dozens got bumped sideways. Woops, now they are shredding the floors also....Horror.

Include the tons of shredding core and shafts to shred and release more shredders.

Include pressure wave blast front that begins the job before the hard shredders even get there.

It all formed a nice big pile at the bottom.

So, here is the full report and I am willing to go over it sentence by sentence and you will never be able to show that MIT, et al, ignored anything.

And I will help you, in a friendly way, to overcome your mis-interpretations, point for point. We have already been through a few.

- building designer lied, since a 767 is not much more than a 707, and we all saw what happened.

- Dutch independent team found a condensed aerosol of Fe and Al, in a nano-mixture that can't be reproduced, so must be a govt lab.

No, it is from the collision of the airplanes. It is quite exothermic and long burning.

- Jet fuel was carried and dumped in the shafts in approx. 300 milliseconds after the collision.

- Steel didn't melt it became rubbery and sagged.

- other booming sounds accounted for likely echoing, around and even down the buildings' shafts and stairwells.

Let's see...

- it is a steel tube building, not a steel frame building.

- of course, it's in free fall, anything else is actually impossible in this failure mode.

- WTC 7 collapsed from a gashed side and other serious structural damage obvious from the front.
Lies to say it was controlled demo, just because there is film of the undamaged side.

Toke, help me, what other stakes can we drive through the heart of this SCAC Bitch? I hate this religion already.

You Hate Bush, #73. It has blinded your very mind.
Wipe you shoes on my Bush face door mat and leave the hate outside. :)

Read and review so you have it all. You too, Young.

:) I love you and this I do for you.



Well-Known Member
The only material ejected was dust. Everything fell straight down including the tons of lose panels shredding the intact our walls on the way down, releasing more panels to shed even more.

You Hate Bush, #73. It has blinded your very mind.
Some pieces of the building were thrown off. You can see it in some videos and photos. But not many, not most--more like a handful.