9/11 controversy on pentagon


Active Member
Go to these two links and watch both of the videos all the way through.

I know it's just myspace and even myself never believe anything I ever see on there but i don't know these videos have me thinking about what really happened, my only guess would be a missle hit the pentagon and there covering it up and saying it was a plan so people don't know that the safest government facility in America was hit with a missle.




New Member
I heard about this a while ago and I don't believe it. I really believe that terrorists acting in their own 'apparent' interests commited the atocities, all of them even London... My belief is that our Governments let them continue with their plans to suit their own ends...


Well-Known Member
the goverment knows more then it is telling. look back at the bombing of peril habor. the goverment had recive a declaratition of war from japan. be for the bombing. so why were the troops not put on a high state of alert? the goverment wanted to get the people on there side. to help put the us into ww2.this might be thetre way to get us to back them.they don't want an other veitnam. where the people are againest the war.


New Member
The people are (intelligent ones at least) against the war. It was a travesty and there is no reason for it. Why did we destroy Iraq?


Well-Known Member
I am with the ideal that all this was planned with the help of those inside (something like hitler done to gain more power and to pass more laws).

Also for it punch so far into that building and the nose cone of a plane to make it unbroken to where they said it made it, would be 1_in_all_the_numbers_in_the_world...... seeing that nose cones on airplanes are not made to bust bunkers like a cruse missle, but rather they are light so that UHF, VHF radio gear can work on the plane.

Also why did the CIA call NORAD and tell them, hey tomorrow if you see strange things happening on radar, it is just us running a drill on "what if" planes are highjacked and ran into buildings like the WTC's so because of that, NORAD sat back and watched thinking it was not real......... also, why did building 7 fall when it was not hit by anything? ............also, how the hell can someone use their cell phone 30,000 feet above in an airplane (cell phones suck even when you on the ground and live beside a cell tower), it can not be done; and I tried, along with others.......so where were those people who called from the plane (the ones that crashed in PA).....................also, why were the Fed Gov't workers (FBI) told not to come to work in the WTC the day before everything happened..........

To many questions that if you ask them you are deemed a nut case or Anti-American by others and the US Gov't.

yeah..but what can you do......they seem to have got enough laws in place to cover their ass now and do what they want all because of fear and lies.



Well-Known Member
The conspiracy theory is tenable, with some minor exceptions, If the US govt. is to blame then it's impossible as they can't plan anything with out leaks or fuck-ups. The only involvement of the US govt. would be in my estimation, a foreknowledge of events and a purposeful ignoring of them, and as porported a fake exercise involving fake highjackings to throw the agencies protecting us off track. This would certainly kick into gear all the agendas of the ashcroft, Cheney, bush Nazis, allowing them to tread on our freedoms and fake a sadam based war, For the sole purpose of profit, with a little Afganistan thrown in for comfort. Like I said, the doubt comes in the ability of this govt. to achieve this without leaks and major f-ups, although there have been some major fuck-ups!


Well-Known Member
even if the US government wasnt involved in the attacks but had knowledge of it and didnt do anything to stop it, it still makes them murderers. bunch of lying bullshittin rich murderers. and that bush bastard is in the middle of it all.


Well-Known Member
Man, are we on the same page or what? Lying murdering scumbags is about as plain as you can say it, Oh I forgot theiving, and if they weren't fucking Republicans, you could put raping in there, but everyone knows Republicans can't get it up!


New Member
You know how you liberals are into "Economic Justice?" Well, in an effort to achieve "Intellectual Justice," I'm going to get a prefrontal lobotomy to level the playing field here.



New Member
Hey Vi, need any help with that lobotomy, Ive got a chainsaw that'll work purty good, a dull one but with a little effort we could get the job done!