8x1000 watts CO2 Hydro grow Jacks Back


Well-Known Member

Good choice with the super sun 2 reflectors they have much more even light distribution which will be good for your scrog. I'd be willing to bet the side with the super sun 2's on it will end up with more weight and a more even canopy. It should be interesting to watch. When you get finished you should weigh the ones under your magnum xxl's and the ones under the super suns and see if there is any difference in weight. :peace:
I too will be interested to see how the different reflectors act on the crop. I'm using only 2 SuperSun2 reflectors with 1000's, but they're on LR5 mover. They are second to none at throwing down light on the plants, but they definitely have hot spots, which for the most part are cured by using a mover. As long as you have them far enough away from your plants, you should be fine. I think next time around, I might try a larger reflector to go for a more even spread of light though, just to see the difference. Probably go with the Radiant 6.

Btw, I'm growing exactly the same way, but I've recently just started using the new mini slabs that are individually wrapped. That was the one drawback I didn't like about using rockwool slabs, was not being able to move the plants around once they got rooted. I thought about just cutting them up into pieces, but having had a struggle with fungus gnats before, I didn't want them to get even the slightest opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Ok im due for an update I had a couple issues that has set me back a couple of weeks The first being the light shock Next round I will dim the lights to 50 % for the first week and only turn half on... Second week Turn every thing on 100% No biggie its all part of me learning I am a rookie..:mrgreen: The second item has been trying to get the watering down...Basicly when to water I use to lift the pot and when it was light I would water Now I let the plants tell me... I think I have it down now..:eyesmoke: I will update pics today Picked up a mini washing machine PAYLOAD and threw in about a lb of Matanuska Thunder fuck and made me some hash last night it was pretty easy..:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
yeah.... it just gets to me seeing that empty space in the back..... need an update so I don't have to see it anymore LOL.... hehehe..... they are taking to the lights better now? how is the growth eh? and what strains are where in the room?


Well-Known Member
Damn Jack.
A lb of herb. You crazy. I am hoping someday to only smoke hash.lol
That is some sweet looking hash bro,


Well-Known Member
Damn Jack.
A lb of herb. You crazy. I am hoping someday to only smoke hash.lol
That is some sweet looking hash bro,
ya, no joke. i thought (was hoping) you meant a lb. of trim... but that looks like a lb. of buds. i'd be trying to sell that shite, bro. imo, hash would never pay off - though a little just for personal use is always in order :eyesmoke:

checked out a couple vids of that machine - looks pretty nifty.


Well-Known Member
ya, no joke. i thought (was hoping) you meant a lb. of trim... but that looks like a lb. of buds. i'd be trying to sell that shite, bro. imo, hash would never pay off - though a little just for personal use is always in order :eyesmoke:
why are you always writing my words before me???? :P


Well-Known Member
i hope u did 2 or 3 batches from the bud/leaf
u keep running them till they lose the blonde/brown color


Well-Known Member
holy shit i thought that second pic was a toilet, but that hash looks fire!
Yep its fire called a couple friends over for They where blown away when they smoked it...:mrgreen:
Damn Jack.
A lb of herb. You crazy. I am hoping someday to only smoke hash.lol
That is some sweet looking hash bro,
It turned out really really good I felt like my head was ripped open I was and am so fucking hi..:mrgreen: :eyesmoke:
ya, no joke. i thought (was hoping) you meant a lb. of trim... but that looks like a lb. of buds. i'd be trying to sell that shite, bro. imo, hash would never pay off - though a little just for personal use is always in order :eyesmoke:

checked out a couple vids of that machine - looks pretty nifty.
I have plenty of popcorn buds to make hash out of but wanted to make me a personal batch of some hash that was straight fire I did just that holy fuck is it good...:mrgreen: I am goig to start the popcorn bud hash in a few Rite now I can bearly type...NICE!!!:mrgreen: :eyesmoke: :blsmoke:
why are you always writing my words before me???? :P
i just use trim for hash
never would waste buds.........maybe popcorn if im lazy
Cant make every one happy but I made myself happy today...This was my reward for my harvest..And the MTF was decent I would never grow it again indoors...So I decided to make hash My fingers keep sticking to the keys..Good times..:mrgreen: :eyesmoke:
Making hash out of buds.. incredible dude..
You could only do that when you get yields like yours :P
:mrgreen: Im glad you understand my madness...bongsmilie :blsmoke:
how much hash did that pound make..??? :^)
I ran it through several times I have not weighed it yet ..Its gonna last me a good while shit is straight fire..Like Pull the covers over your head good night fire..:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
All I can say is that is very impressive,,subcribed for sure, God bless your father and may your grow be blessed with fat nuggs.


Well-Known Member
looking for updated pics of the plants
i love your setup
im thinking with the 2hp chiller u wont need to use the air much at all
u have the setup i want lol
keep it up
u using co2 tank or co2 hydro generator?


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is what I did I basicly started over....Ya it hurt but I did not want it to kill me in the end..The roots where white when I pulled them so it was not root rot...I never PHd the slabs just put them rite on and thats where I went wrong...I satarted all over fresh cuttings soaked the cubes for 18 hrs in a ph of 5.5..dimmed the lights only running 4 x 1000 watts at 75% they took off like no other they look very happy and I have already seen new growth..It was hard starting over but it will pay off in the end. Gonna hold off on the slabs until a couple more weeks. Then I will get a kiddy pool and soak them in a ph of 5.0 and it should end up at 5.5 after 24 hrs.. I almost gave up on the hydro but decided to stick it out ...So you can call today day 1..


Well-Known Member
right on.

eventually (...eventually...) you will be the god of hydro :-P

i have no doubt. least you had some plants to take cuttings off of - from the sound of it. i'd hate to think of you running out and plunking down cashola on store-bought clones. they'd pay for themselves of course, i'm just fond of cloning myself over making seed vendors and clone growers rich... but clones are actually quite a steal in Cally i guess. Takes electricity, time, and money just to grow your own ... so for the cheap-arse Cally price on clones they are well worth it.

Seed vendors are still making money hand-over-fist no matter how you look at it. Thousand(s) seeds from one plant and like 10 bucks a seed? I'd pick seeds from bud All Day Long for 10 dollars a seed !!

(EDIT: but don't try to confuse me ! day 1 is the day the clones were cut... and / or the day you switch to 12 on 12 off with the moms :D )