8x Bluewidow


Well-Known Member
BlueWidow you say? Your plants look nice....I'm interested to see how they look when flowered.

So far so good. Update us with pictures as you go.

I'm curious how you came to get the seeds.


Well-Known Member
hi all :blsmoke: im english but living in the canary islands spain so the strain of blue widow is from dinafem seeds (spanish) heres a couple a pics .. cheers 4 ur replys phil :joint:



Well-Known Member
No. I haven't seen any other growers growing that strain. I'm sure they'd love to though. Like me.

I've been hearing a lot recently about the breeding being done in Spain. I hear they'll rival the breeders in Holland soon if they already haven't gotten to that point.

The few people I've seen growing White Widow crosses usualy did the cross themselves. BlueberryxWhiteWidow mainly.

I'm going to research a bit more on the Spanish breeding and strains. Maybe I'll find a breeder that ships seeds the US.


Well-Known Member
based on that pic, it looks more bb than ww. Keep the pics coming man, your about as far along as me. I want to see how they differ from the bb im flowering right now.


New Member
awesome plants. i really wanted to get blue widow but i heard it grew w/o a main cola, instead a bunch of side branches.

it looks like that's exactly how it grows. keep us posted.


Active Member
i will be watching to see how they turn out, i will be growing Dinafem's BLUEHASH my next grow. Dinafem has a nice lineup, i hope the quality is up to par, because their strains arent cheap....:hump:


Well-Known Member
nice plants dud
ld love to see the flowering stage if it looks as good as the veg stage F**K
that would be sweet

im going to check Dinfems out