88G13/HP questions


Well-Known Member
A friend gifted me some of these cuttings, 3 different phenos. I intend on touching base with that guy about them again but am also looking for feedback from others.

two of the phones are clearly indica dom..

one of the phones really has a lot of characteristics of a sativa, long slender leaves and very branchy and wispy looking (one of these is flowering now and smells really lemony).

Is the sativa phone worth keeping considering the extra work that may be involved in it (Im thinking this one will have a longer flowering time, be more work to trim)


Well-Known Member
A friend gifted me some of these cuttings, 3 different phenos. I intend on touching base with that guy about them again but am also looking for feedback from others.

two of the phones are clearly indica dom..

one of the phones really has a lot of characteristics of a sativa, long slender leaves and very branchy and wispy looking (one of these is flowering now and smells really lemony).

Is the sativa phone worth keeping considering the extra work that may be involved in it (Im thinking this one will have a longer flowering time, be more work to trim)
Tbh you really won't know if that pheno is worth it until you run it. You'd be surprise how some plants don't look visually that good that are good. Looks can deceive you but the cross your working with is a special cross and many people hold on to the HP-13 that's used in a few crosses and it's held tight so I would run all of them and decide after the smoke test. You would hate yourself if you threw it away and grew the only cutting and it was amazing. Run them all and then decide


Well-Known Member
here's what motarebel had to say about it...

Hazeman i hope ya don't mind me answering this for ya? Our good friend NDNguy gifted us 88 G-13/HP stock to make fresh stock and share the love freely. This is an IBL line mostly done by NDNguy and friends with the wishes that no one profit from the pure seedline. Great smoke and i know i'll never go without her in my flowering room. Hazeman did a great job with the fresh stock and i hope all will enjoy the G-13/HP.