88* f


I'm guessing 88* F is to hot without co2 additive? we are either going to just put a hole in the wall with screening and such to keep out pests or put in a fart fan. should i have the fart fan taking air out or in? some ideas would be nice. its a shed so the air coming in/out would be outside.


bud bootlegger
first of all, wtf is a fart fan?? lol..
secondly, yah, 88 is a bit on the warmer side of things unless you're running co2 like you said... if it's cooler outside of the shed, pulling the cooler outside air into the shed would be a good idea..
if it gets too cool, just make sure that the airs not coming in and going directly on your plants as if it's too cold it can also harm your plants as i'm sure you're well aware of..
i would just vent it in as far from the grow as you can so it has a lil time to warm up before it gets to the plants if it's going to be getting rather cold.. if it's not going to be getting really cold, you'd be fine to vent closer to the plants, lol..


ya its a bathroom exhaust fan.ill look into making sure the the cool air does not come into direct contact with the plants right away. got a couple ideas floating around right now


bud bootlegger
oh... duh, if i would have thought about it for a second, i could have figured out what a fart fan was, lol, just never heard the term before..

glad you have a few ideas already though.. :)


Well-Known Member
exhaust the heat from the light great idea..... save farts for crowded rooms ... they are ment for sharing


we put in a fart fan bringing in the cool/fresh air from outside and we already had a few fans inside to circulate it. ill get back to you guys after we get an average temp now that we made this improvement. im pretty happy already tho because before we did not have any fresh air coming in and i was worried about the air becoming stale. im sure it wont get too cool either because those 1000 watters really put out some heat. i was expecting 10 degree diff but we were steady at 68 before the light and after like i said it was 88.im sure it will even out with the improvements. just in time too because we are planning to start flowering on all Halloween!