808 genetics


Active Member
I know it's been a while since you posted this, but I just ran macaroon. It's got like 2 days left and it's fire. It's like got an old school look, but still some fire. Checks all the boxes and they were stable and uniform. The boys even looked good. I was shocked to be honest. I bought into square one hype and did some archive too and 808 destroyed them. I will say that 3rds coast and symbiotic destroyed everything including 808, but I was impressed still. It was better than what I see other people have.


Well-Known Member
I got Black Truffle as a freebie...gave them to a friend...all seeds popped 10/10...about 8-10" tall now...nothing abnormal so far...I think she will be flowering them soon...never heard of them before...so I know nothing about his character...let you know how it goes when I go over there again and see.