800 watt Ebb and Flow. 6 Plant. TrinityxIce/AfghanxTrainwreck/WMD. First TimeR

Hello All. im in my 3rd week of flowering now and im wondering how much longer until i start seein some bud formation?? i was told the clones i was givin were from world class strains and they sure are stinking so far.
My setup is as folllows:

(2) 400 watt HPS light systems

(1) 4x6 Flood table

- full line of Humb0lt nuts minus Sea Cal or any PH down

20 lb Co2 tank with injection system

the white hairs on the nodes seem to be getting bigger but not by very much. Oh and i first received the clones that im currently flowering on Thanksgiving of last year, thats how long they have been growing. i let them veg for as long as possible since i didnt know what i was doing. so i hope they are not ending near their life cycles or whatever cause they have been growing for a while.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hello All. im in my 3rd week of flowering now and im wondering how much longer until i start seein some bud formation?? i was told the clones i was givin were from world class strains and they sure are stinking so far.
My setup is as folllows:

(2) 400 watt HPS light systems

(1) 4x6 Flood table

- full line of Humb0lt nuts minus Sea Cal or any PH down

20 lb Co2 tank with injection system

the white hairs on the nodes seem to be getting bigger but not by very much. Oh and i first received the clones that im currently flowering on Thanksgiving of last year, thats how long they have been growing. i let them veg for as long as possible since i didnt know what i was doing. so i hope they are not ending near their life cycles or whatever cause they have been growing for a while.:leaf:
If there in there 3rd week of flower, you should be seeing formation. You might want to make sure there is no light getting in there while there on the night cycle. You can veg. for as long as you like so don't worry about them being at the end of there life cycle, that's how most people get clones, by keeping a mother plant in veg. forever and taking clone after clone from it. It just depends on how big you want your plant to be when you flower it, it could be eight inches or it could be 6 feet tall, doesn't matter. Just make sure your lights are on a 12/12 cycle and ther is no light getting in there on there night cycle and you should be fine.
If there in there 3rd week of flower, you should be seeing formation. You might want to make sure there is no light getting in there while there on the night cycle. You can veg. for as long as you like so don't worry about them being at the end of there life cycle, that's how most people get clones, by keeping a mother plant in veg. forever and taking clone after clone from it. It just depends on how big you want your plant to be when you flower it, it could be eight inches or it could be 6 feet tall, doesn't matter. Just make sure your lights are on a 12/12 cycle and there is no light getting in there on there night cycle and you should be fine.
Ya they are finally starting to bud i think. having some problems tho. two of the plants leaves are turning yellow/green and some have little yellow speckles over the leaves. last week we had a SMALL outbreak of spider mites and hit them with Azamax instantly, since then i have not seen any but the leaves started changing colors. I'm aware that during flowering the plants tend to do some weird things so i could just be that
hello again
I'm in the 5th week of flowering and still having some troubles with the middle plant in the back. its really struggling. the leaves are all still very curly and its really small compared to the others. although its flowers are forming the same as the other plants there's just a lot less of them.
Also. Ive been using a Co2 tank for about a month now, although im afraid i might not be running it enough. the area the plants are growing in is a 5x3 area and i have the tank regulator to turn on and leak co2 at 1.0 on the solenoid valve for 15 minutes at a time, about once every 2 hour. Should i increase the amount of time that its turned on for at intervals? or is this enough for the size im working with? i do not have a ppm meter and don't plan on getting one as i don't think they are that necessary. ill be posting pictures shortly
Alright here's the pictures i was talking about posting.
These girls are in the 6th or 7th week of flower.... i think they are looking pretty good, although there really isn't any bud forming yet, the hairs are just getting really dense and fluffy.
Let me know what you think. questions comments welcome

the first picture is the WMD strain i believe, its the biggest one, the second is a close up of the hairs on the WMD the third pic is the smaller AK plant and the fuzzy picture is the Trinity Ice strain which is looking the best.:bigjoint:


guys. Im a first timer and im having some big problems..... my plants in the back corner; all their leaves are curling and turning brown! what the hell i need some guidance here. im really not sure what to do and the local garden shops wont help me unless i have my medical marijuana card! damnit you are my last hope!


Well-Known Member
Man dude that sucks, it seems no one wants to help you out. I'm a novice so anything say is not from experience. I've been lurking around this site for about a month now preparing for my first grow and from what I've read and and seen from pics, I'd say it may be nute burn. You could try to flush your res and let em go for 2 - 3 days on straight water and see if that helps.

i do not have a ppm meter and don't plan on getting one as i don't think they are that necessary. ill be posting pictures shortly

I think you should look in to getting one. they are very helpful in determining the amount of TDS that's total dissolved solids in your system, which is rated by PPM. You could be giving them to many nutes and not even know it. And it may be why your plant is sick.

I don't think I seen anything about pH in your thread have you been checking it? It should be around 5.5 - 6.5. That level on the acidic side is perfect for your plants to drink up all those nutes your feeding them at the right PPM levels.

So like I said, I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground. So take everything I said lightly.

Maybe after someone reads this with more experience they will chime in and be able to help you better.

Good Luck

Dropastone brought up some good points. PH and nute burn are most likely your main problems. I am not a master either but I do have 3 grows under my belt and have learned alot off of this site. If now one is helping you its probably because they see the mistakes you are making and they know that you have not done you homework. I did the same thing with my first grow jumped in with both feet and ended up with hermis shortly after that i found this site and have learned a lot.

If you are feeding your plants according to the label on the nutes and not checking your ph. Then your problem can easly be overcome. You need to flush with ph balanced water and something to remove the salt build up (clearex). Then slowly start feeding them again starting with quarter strength nutes. Hope this helps you out. If you cant find what you are looking for on this site then try google it is a great tool
OK to all that give a rats a** . i flushed with PH balanced water for 2 days. today i switched back to my regular line of nutrients+additives. at mostly quarter strength. as you know this is my first grow so i really don't knows what the shit is going on. although i am not retarded. i keep my nuts resivour at 6.0- 6.5 and have cut back my Co2 regulator system to flow twice a day at 6.0 ppm, i hope i have overcome the problem. im aware that the affected areas wont get any better so next step is to what..... CLIP the leaves that have turned DARK BROWN AND CRISPY? AND THOSE THAT HAVE TURNED ALMOST COMPLETELY YELLOW? or will this effect my final yield. the pictures that follow are from the plants CURRENTLY 8th or 9th week flower.

let me know guys........... i really don't want to "shoot myself in the foot" here.

also it becomes tricky when you have 3 different strains in the same table. but for now im making dew dew dew d ewe dew dew d ewwww ewwwww :bigjoint:
alright, now im really freaked out. i have been flushing with PH balanced water for the better part of 2 days now. i started doing this because 8 weeks into flowering the tips of my leaves in half of my plants began to turn dark brown and pretty much indicated to me that they are dying. so I flushed for 2 days with no change in the leave coloring, im aware that damaged leaves will not get any better visibly but the scary part is that after 2 days of flushing i returned my nuts resivour to 1/4- 1/2 strength nuts and after just one watering period (15 mins of flooding) the leaves that were slightly browned at the tip;some of them have gone completely brown and the others are more yellow than they were before...... I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO,,,,,,, I understand that some yellowing of the leaves takes place during flowering but this is serious;y different. just the tip;s of the leaves.. should i drain my re and keep flushing? or what........... i dont want to get stuck in a 4 hour conversation with the people at the local grow shops... please guys... some info....


Well-Known Member
What's up dude? Do you have some updated pics? I was checking out you previous pic and I can't see too much of the dead leaves your talking about. I do see some yellowing at the bottom of the plant and a cpl of burnt ends.

It may take some time to see a total recovery. In my opinion if yellowing just let them fall off naturally and in the case of the burnt ends I think it would be alright to trim off just the dead matter.

I wish I could help you more but as I said earlier I am no expert. If you are in the 8th week of flower you should only have 2 to 4 more weeks to go before harvest. Just hang in there dude and post some updated pics.