8 weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
you need to check the trichs on the bud ,
cant really go by how many weeks or what it looks like


Well-Known Member
you need to check the trichs on the bud ,
cant really go by how many weeks or what it looks like
This guy has just answered your question for ya sticky. You need to invest in a trich-scope. Radio Shack has the little black ones for like $10 dollars and they work good enough to get the job done.

But again, thats the only way to tell when your plant is ready for harvesting. People may tell you to just go by the color of the hairs, but I'm trying to help you out here.. and that's not how you do it. You need to get yourself a jewlers' loupe; a magnifying glass; or like I mentioned earlier, just go to Radio Shack and buy their $10 dollar one. It's what I use.. and it works just fine for what I need it for.

Good luck buddy.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Agreed with the above on checking the trichs ...

I noticed that your fans are still lush green and even have burnt tips, telling me that they are nutrient loaded right now. If you want to improve the aroma, smoke, & flavor of your buds then you should really consider doing a WATER ONLY flush for 3-5 days in hydro, and atleast 5-7 days in soil.

If your trichs are just starting to get cloudy, then this will be a perfect time to do your flush as you will still have some time before they turn amber
i havent been givving them no nutes for the last 2 weeks just strictly h20 first time grow i hope everything turns out good . thanks for the help guys
DSC02460.jpgDSC02454.jpgthese are pics of both plants different strains and both flowering for 8 weeks now. i dont know what strains they are they were givin to me as baby clones. they are both in miracle grow potting mix


Active Member
yo sticky give use a full view of your plant and what you think your going to get for yield looks good but chech trichs to see if done is this a sativa if is chop when trichs are clear to cloudyness lol for real though


Well-Known Member
i think its important to keep in mind that there is no 100% determining factor for harvesting. trichomes are a GREAT indicator, but it is not always 100%. Swelling, trichome color and pistil recession all need to be taken into account. I have 3 girls right now, 2 of which are showing bronze leaves all over, with probably a 505/50 cloudy/amber ratio, but there are still far too many white pistils still showing. The new growth has slowed to all but a stop, and its now looking at about 10 days or so til those pistils recede and its time imo to chop. If the new growth hadn't shown up, all signs would have pointed to chopping this week, but it couldn't be ignored.

My opinion is use your best judgement, and take all factors into account. check your trichs, but pay attention to pistil and foliage changes as well as calyx swelling, it can be just as important. Judging by your recent pics, your hairs are receding nicely and only a few white pistils left. Barring any new growth, i would be watching trichs now and paying attention for that chop time in the next week, though you could give it two and you wouldn't regret it i bet. Just my .02 =D


Active Member
Looks nice mayne!
Looks like about 1-2 weeks left to me...Going by trichs good idea but not onlu factor IMHO..