8 weeks flowering. yellowing leaves


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow. that being said i'm doing it under a 400 hps, the temps stay in the mid 70's and the humidity has been hanging in the low 40's.
i've been feeding her 3 cups of ph'd water mixed with fox farms big bloom at 3 teaspoons a gallon. she has been on this diet for the last 2 weeks. she is in mg soil.
her problem is the top bud leaves have turned a yellowish tint, the lower leaves look great, the trichs are about 30 to 40% amber brown color.
is this normal? do i have a problem? or is everything right on course? someone please tell me everything will be okay



Well-Known Member
i was going to start giving her str8 water the next feeding.
i'd like to get 2 more weeks growth out of her


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Kevin do not harvest yet that sativa's got two more weeks to go at least. But right now you should flush real good and give nothing but water for the last two weeks!. Yor plant lokks very nice man big fad buds on here and they will only get bigger in the next two weeks


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the inputs, i was scared for a sec.
i've read a few of your threads mattso, i'm planning a trip to amsterdam next year, any advice for me?


Well-Known Member
but if you havn't flushed, do that first, then harvest..... shoulda said that earlier.


Active Member
I'd leave them for a week or 2 once its about 60 40 trichs thats when i cut them down as for amsterdam make sure to go to the green house and the bulldog also the grasshoper was pretty kool.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
but if you havn't flushed, do that first, then harvest..... shoulda said that earlier.
Ditto...lol - yeah what he said!

But in addition to that - 2 more weeks?... I just don't know, after about 8-9 weeks the trichs are mostly amber; after that they begin to degrade.

What did the seedbank that you got the seeds from, give by way of suggested flowering?

Do you has a microscope to view the triches? They are $10.00 at Radio Shack...

I attached a couple of pics so you can compare...


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
NICE fooking plant...

yellowing leaves are very normal at 4 weeks.... at 8 weeks I am surprised you have that much green...



Active Member
bulldog and the grasshopper are nice places to hang out but i found better weed in smaller coffe shops.peace
i dont have a micro scope or anything to help me tell if my plant is ready to harvest yet !!!!plant looks really yummy but fucked her up in tyhe begin but now so many crystals and smells so strong and leaves are turning yellow very small plant though lol


Well-Known Member
I'd leave them for a week or 2 once its about 60 40 trichs thats when i cut them down as for amsterdam make sure to go to the green house and the bulldog also the grasshoper was pretty kool.
i know this is an old thread but i was in A-dam this time last year and i am also going again in febuary.greenhouse yes definetly!!bulldog most definetly.but stay well clear of the grass hopper its a fuckin rip off 100euros for 5grams of kalimist i refused to pay that and went for 1 gram instead and all i can say is that it was very mediocore weed.if you get a chance to while in amsterdam get down to zeeburg and go to the stud.the stud special was especially unreal smoked a blunt and didnt want to move