8 tga subcool dairy queen and 7 jack herer 1 week away from flowering.


Well-Known Member
the taller ones on the left are the dairy queen and they are very stinky right now like vanilla ice cream but with a pungent chronic smell. the jack herer are the short squatty ones on the right no smell yet unless you rub a stem then it smells pretty good. the last 3 pics are of the jack herer showing that for about a wrrk and i half i have been getting 9 blade leaves. i dk what that means but im used to 7. i almost want to go a few more weeks to see if i can get 11.

they look like some very healthy young ladies man.thats a pretty cool little duo strain grow you got goin there(indica dom.?).what fixture you workin with?also leaves can get up to 13 or higher im pretty sure.showin some beautiful genes smokeshop,im sure these will beat your current beasts from the east:weed:keepin it impressive.reppage+
im using 2 1000w mh for veg and 2 1000w hps for flower.i want either fluoros of something to help with the bottoms of my plants during flower. im gonna look into that. yeah i have a feeling they are gonna be better too. i cant wait for the dairy queen it makes my mouth water. this is my first time seeing more then 7 blades i wonder if it means anything? oh yeah jack herer is 90/10 sativa dom and is another long flowering strain. dairy queen is a sativa dom 60/40.
as far as my google/forum searches have turned up the only slight correlation to leaflet numbers is plant size,i.e. how big and fast the plant is growing.ive witnessed this in ways other than web findings when a few years back me and my buddy grew some 6 foot beauties and watched them produce up to 11 leaves wiht a little extra "cup"coming from where the blades met at,ive seen similar growths but none too identical.my smaller 2 ft. version of the same strain and seed batch only produced up to 9 leaves.
pics of leaf growth
thanks for the info. and those are some nice lookin leaves you got there. my nycsd leaves are starting to worry me because they are turning yellow and dry. i think im gonna just feed with water next time because i think it might be because of the excess salt build up on the top of my soil. i hope i can cure this i have more 5 weeks atleast until harvest.
i feel you man, thats a little early to be yellowing.whens the last time you fed?leaf problems bother me because there can be a long list of variables.for the mean time im sure theyll like some plain hydration while you seek a solution
the last feeding as yesterday and i gave them full nutes but i think im going to stop on that and do just water for 2-3 feedings. other then that i might just need to feed them a day sooner from here on out because i wait until they start to droop before i feed them. im just gonna hope for the best and ill post pics hopefully sunday
Sub-cool is the man! Still haven't grown any of his strains yet but they always look so good. Ive got some beans goin now from a bag of good regz and 4 out of 5 of them have been producing 9 tip leaves since the 4 internode. Shooting out 11 now after i FIM'd em. Have ran afghan kush and tangerine dream that had 11 from an early age too and they produced some dank smoke so I'm hoping there's a correlation.
hey terry my leaves are getting worse and im wondering if it might be because when my lights come on i turn my co2 tank on and i shut everything else off except for my oscillating fan. im thinking that since my exhaust is off maybe there not getting enough fresh air or something along those lines. i know that if i leave my co2 on and my exhaust on at the same time i waste co2. if u have any info please let me know. i dont mind getting more co2 and running the exhaust fan if u think that might work. or maybe i shouldnt give them co2 every night idk but they are gettin worse and im gettin worried about my harvest. no more long strains for me.
hey terry my leaves are getting worse and im wondering if it might be because when my lights come on i turn my co2 tank on and i shut everything else off except for my oscillating fan. im thinking that since my exhaust is off maybe there not getting enough fresh air or something along those lines. i know that if i leave my co2 on and my exhaust on at the same time i waste co2. if u have any info please let me know. i dont mind getting more co2 and running the exhaust fan if u think that might work. or maybe i shouldnt give them co2 every night idk but they are gettin worse and im gettin worried about my harvest. no more long strains for me.
honestly never worked with co2 before,but i found a post by supernova and he had this to say-
  • "Too high of CO2 levels will cause chlorosis or necrosis of the foliage. Chlorosis is when the leaves begin to turn yellow (similar to lack of nitrogen...but not in the good way),you will also notice it working from the older foliage to the younger foliage over time. Necrosis is when the leaves begin to turn brown/black (die) starting at the tips.Neither is good for any garden."

    so id say if anything just hold off on the co2 for a while and see how they hold up without for a few days.​

ok thanks i really didnt think it was my feeding or nutes because i always used the same thing in all my grows except i am using snow storm for the first time this grow but i didnt think that was the problem either. man i really appreciate that info you might have saved my girls. no more co2 until i learn more about it and how to use it correctly.
no prob man im glad i can help.I still havent tried out co2 just because i dont feel like its really necessary,i know given the right know-how it can help in alot of areas but for now im just trying focus on getting a better understanding of basic genetic inheritance for improving on my Terryberry.back to the co2 it sounds very much like it can be your problem,but that isnt a forsure diagnosis. if anything i'd suggest just keeping a close eye on theyre condition w/o co2,and watching for worsening leaf conditions(im sure you already are though).good luck shop
so far they are looking a little better so im happy about that. iim sure that caused a bunch of stress and im sure that its gonna effect the yield but now i know. im gonna put up some pics of them tonight but im gonna post them on the nyc diesel thread.
awesome to hear theyre improving,and hey sometimes a little stress is very much worth the new perception gained through the experience.
ok i decided to do 1 of the dairy queen outdoor. this will be my first attempt at outdoor so hopefully everything works out well. im not sure if i want to plant it or leave it in the 5 gal bucket that it in. any info would be nice. the plant is in my backyard and i do have neighbors close so im really wanting to conceal it as much as possible. if anyone has any ideas on stealth please let me know. shes very healthy and nice lookin right now.

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg this is the after

these are before
here is the 7 dairy queen and 7 jack herer. this is the first day of flower. they were in total dark for 36 hours and these pics of them as soon as the hps lights came on right as they woke up. they look stringy and unorganized in the pics but the ladies look much better in person. im not sure if im gonna have enough room in this room to flower these i might have to take 2 more out but i hope not.

as far as putting your dq in the ground it kind of depends on how likely it is that you might have to move the plants if any flags are raised.them being in containers will allow you to move them inside quickly w/o ripping them out of the ground.if theyre buckets will sustain theyre growth all summer w/o becoming excessively rootbound then your dirt will most likely make them happier depending on the quality of your outside soil.

the only tip on stealth i have would be to buy some fast growing plants that are similar to the dq's profile & shade of green if possible.that way if anyone is to see over your fence from a higher vantage point.it can all blend in,in theory.
i kinda like the idea of a mobile plant. i was thinkin the same thing about there not being enough room for the roots in a 5 gal bucket. where im at there is a lot of underground rocks and hard clay so i think the bucket is the best way to go for now.
I love the way DQ has those long and prominent side branches. You can really see it in pic 3 of 11 in the outdoor series of shots. I have 2 DQ going right now in a tent.