8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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New Member
Trolling at the degree OP has demonstrated ITT is an art form. He doesn't find everyone stupid, that's merely what he wants you to think he thinks, as that makes you angry. That's what trolling is all about. That's the beauty of it. Do you think OP really doesn't own a phone with a camera on it, or have access to one? You can't take pictures of a grow setup that is non-existent.


Well-Known Member
Duuuuude! Don't forget that if you want all female plants to make sure and give each plant a pill of Birth Control, crushed up in your water, the estrogen will turn them female. Also if you could pipe in some car exhaust, and then light a bunch of candles it will make more carbon dioxide which can triple your growth. The next thing you should do is get some black lights, you know the kind that make those funky velvet posters look kewl and stuff right? Black lights can quadruple the potency of your mary jane from a measly 10% THC content to an easy 40% THC content. 1 hit will knock you on yer ass for 3 days bro, im 100% serious and legit. Look at all the rep I have, I would not fib about this shit, try it, you will show these dumb asses how a real man grows!!!

Some other things you can try is snow hardening. You can make your plants tougher by setting them in the snow for a few hours each day, that will make them "ICE UP" with more fucking crystals than you have ever seen, it will look like someone poured sugar on your plants there will be so much icky sticky goodness. Also you can feed them grape kool aid, don't skimp on the sugar, this will do 2 things, 1 , the sugar is like super steroids for plants, and 2 the grape color will turn ordinary bag seed weed into the purple shit, hell yeah, you could kick it with the high class babes if you got that shiznit!!


Well-Known Member
Duuuuude! Don't forget that if you want all female plants to make sure and give each plant a pill of Birth Control, crushed up in your water, the estrogen will turn them female. Also if you could pipe in some car exhaust, and then light a bunch of candles it will make more carbon dioxide which can triple your growth. The next thing you should do is get some black lights, you know the kind that make those funky velvet posters look kewl and stuff right? Black lights can quadruple the potency of your mary jane from a measly 10% THC content to an easy 40% THC content. 1 hit will knock you on yer ass for 3 days bro, im 100% serious and legit. Look at all the rep I have, I would not fib about this shit, try it, you will show these dumb asses how a real man grows!!!

Some other things you can try is snow hardening. You can make your plants tougher by setting them in the snow for a few hours each day, that will make them "ICE UP" with more fucking crystals than you have ever seen, it will look like someone poured sugar on your plants there will be so much icky sticky goodness. Also you can feed them grape kool aid, don't skimp on the sugar, this will do 2 things, 1 , the sugar is like super steroids for plants, and 2 the grape color will turn ordinary bag seed weed into the purple shit, hell yeah, you could kick it with the high class babes if you got that shiznit!!
alot of this sounds wakk lol.. but im a newb so it also sounds like it would work. ive herd of putting ur buds in the freezer, or some ppl even spray them a little with windex and put them in the freezer.. obv. u have to be a retard to spray them with windex but apparently ya it helps bring out all the crystals


Well-Known Member
alot of this sounds wakk lol..
I suggest only tafbang attempt the car exhaust trick, you have to truly be an immortal god to try this for any amount of time, but Im sure tafbang can do it, have you seen his abs? Godly!!

Oh and I rep Bombed you for the detective skills.


Well-Known Member
lmao ya def. wasnt planning on trying that one out.. and does koolaid seriously turn shit weed to purple shit weed? haha


Well-Known Member
still didnt explain your foolishness on how you gave it more light then the rest in a picnic basket on top of book stacked on top of a stool hell i forget all i know is this is fucking ghetto not even a timer, just explain how did you give it more light than the other seven?
fucking idiot. I never said that I only gave that plant more light. you are a retard ~_~ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
Post 348-358

quit being a piece of shit. I'm starting lose faith in you ever getting anywhere in life


Well-Known Member
Ya let me down tafbang. I knew 28 encyclopedias and a chandelier was too good to be true.


Active Member
Post 348-358

quit being a piece of shit. I'm starting lose faith in you ever getting anywhere in life
Well, tbh we already lost faith that you're going anywhere with your grow.
52 pages, still no pics.
Pics or it never happened.
Maybe an admin should just get rid of this thread, its pretty much a waste of space. :-|

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Legitimate thoughts/facts.


2weeks in from seed. soil. 24 hours light, then I move away from light to a dimmer spot for 20 minutes. then they get pitch black for 3-4 hours. I'm just pretty much experimenting on my 1st grow.

I didn't plan on becoming a grower. I just threw some goodgood bagseeds in my chandelier with miracle grow and I have 8 babies looking pretty sexy. using 3 normal house ceiling lights. anyways.

Legitimate thoughts/facts on 3

3 GO!

edit: 2 pairs of plants are already holding hands

will provide pictures/videos when possible
and then . and then and then and then and tehn


Taf bag, you started out being the dick. Now RUI members are just harassing you. Hopefully these guys will stop soon, ignore those who ignore your questions.

Make a post with your questions 1 more time.
Then get your camera phone out and take some pictures.

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