8 ounces every 3 weeks! setup idea


Well-Known Member
veg room 1 meter x 1 meter x 1.5 meter
light 200 w mh
2 clip on fans
1 extractor

flower 1.4 meter x 1.4 meter x 1.5 meter
light 600w hps
2 clip on fans
1 extractor
1 intake fan

grow idea :

hey all this is just an idea as i was thinking of upgrading coz my flat mate smokes also and we gonna split the yield anyways if i grew a mother plant of blueberry and scroged it and topped it a few times would it be big enough to take 10 clones of it?

i was thinking of taking 10 clones of the mother plant every 3 weeks so it would be as follows:

id take 10 clones of the mother plant root them for 2 weeks then veg for a week then put them in flower room in 2 gallon pots.
the same day i put them into the flower room id take another 10 cuttings of the mother plant and root them for 2 weeks and veg for a week then put them into flower so id then have 10 clones just going into flower and 10 that been in flower 3 weeks and so on so that every time i harvest 10 plants in the flower room there will be another 10 clones ready to take there place straight away. lol sounds a bit complicated but had to put into words

id flower for 9 weeks and hopefully get atleast 0.75 ounces per plant so id harvest 7.5 ounces every 3 weeks.

id also be using biobizz veg and flower nutes with topmax and advanced nutrients big bud.

anybody think this idea is worth a try? any ideas welcome


Active Member
i dont think you'll get .75 oz. from a plant thats been vegging for a week. the setup sounds great just don't expect that big of a yield. good luck!


Well-Known Member
I may be reading this wrong, 10 plants go into flower for 9 weeks. On the same day 10 more clones are taken, weeks later they go into flower. Now there there are 20 in the flower room 10 at 3 weeks 10 at day one. 10 more clones are taken that day and in 3 weeks they go into flower now there are 30 plants in flower 10 at 6 weeks 10 at 3 weeks 10 at day one. 10 more clones are taken that day and in 3 weeks they go into flower. You hope that the first ones are ready to come out at 9 weeks and you still have 30 in flower. Is this correct? 30 plants in 4x4x5 box, I don't see it. A two gallon nursery pot is 10 inches across, it won't physically fit never mind grow well. 600W of HID in that small box without an air cooled reflector is going to create serious heat issues. As I sit here typing this I must have read your proposal incorrectly. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with dieselboy's first ever post saying you won't get.75 per plant due to short veg. There are guys that get well over an oz per doing 12/12 from seed. But yeah you better get a bigger grow area for your idea.


Well-Known Member
Taking clones and letting them root and then vegging them for a while before switching lights to 12/12 to produce buds is theory? Look around bro!! That is how you grow weed.


Well-Known Member
This would work if your plants only flowered for three weeks. If you'd take 10 cuttings every three weeks, By week nine you'd have 30 plants in flowering. If my mind is working right, you would have to veg your plants for about 6 weeks in order to give the flowering ones time to finish. 2 weeks to root, 6 weeks of veg = 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
The pic in my avatar is 12/12 from seed, Sour Diesel.

I run a 600watt HPS, i pull more than an ounce per plant, usually fit about 9 under my aircooled hood.

A pound every harvest, in soil, using Fox Farm soil and liquid nute trio. I also use Humboldt Gravity with rock hard results.


Well-Known Member
Inthewoods is getting at the real point here. The yield is not the important part here, he has good success with NINE plants under his 600W lamp. K3 is talking about 30 in 4x4 box and one 600W lamp, 30 in 4x4, what can you use, Solo cups? Based on this proposal, the final yield is the least of the problems. There is going to be so much heat in that box that it isn't really going to matter anyhow. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the replies on the issues with the pots i was going to make thin deep pots so they would fit in a tighter space plus i was thinking about getting the air cooled supernova reflector. i was going to build the tent myself using black and white mylar sheeting and build the tent around the 30 pots making sure theres room for my fan aswell. im going for a sog setup with this so want to get the plant pots as close as possible to each other. whats the closest you guys think i would be able to put the pots together? im not 2 worried about the yield as long as i harvest roughly every 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Errm . . . . . sounds like too much theory to me. . . . . good luck though!
Its called a perpetual grow/harvest. There are guys that pull down a couple of pounds every three weeks. It can be done. It will take you awhile to work the kinks out though.


Active Member
Taking clones and letting them root and then vegging them for a while before switching lights to 12/12 to produce buds is theory? Look around bro!! That is how you grow weed.
it's not that, man, it is the idea that you could be sure of yielding 3/4 oz dry from a plant that barely vegged at all... this is especially hard if you aren't using a slightly older mother plant... if you take clones, veg them for 2 weeks, and then push them to flower, they may not have enough roots structure to produce enough bud, also that's not a lot of time to get over transplant shock... all of these things take time, that's all they are saying... i think this sounds good but it is an idea, not a plan...


Well-Known Member
yea i know its gonna take time to work out the kinks but i'v seen people harvest an ounce of a plant with no veg from seed so i think its possible under the right conditions. all i can do is try and see what the outcome is. il keep you posted when i buy all the equipment.


Active Member
20 plants under one 600w? Am I reading this wrong?

Two weeks to root and one to veg isn't bad, my clones are usually in my garden on full str within 10 days, I veg for about 2 more weeks after that coming up with a 15" plant that gets to about 35"

Perpetual harvesting can work, but it's a pain in the ass with a hydro system when it comes to flushing it out for the final week or so.


Well-Known Member
Mouse, you are reading it wrong. 10 clones on a 3 weeks cycle and 9 weeks in flower so it's 30 plants under a 600W. I think?