7x10 Room ; How many HLG 550

ok.. I fucked up the math on the 7 ft... 28 inches from the wall the center of the first light , 28 inches from the center of the first light to center of second light.. then there should be 28 inches left from center of second light to the wall... and yeah, it's sightly overkill, but I don't know your setup... but this is what I would do if I had 6 of them. Mylar the walls, or flat white paint..... and wear some MethodSeven sunglasses.
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I knew what you meant. But you did word it a little weird, so I think some people were thinking you were being a smartass, lol. You're pretty mature compared to most of us here, myself included, lol.

I agree 6 would be sweet.
I was about a bottle deep in the wine. LOL! But, yeah... 7X10 would be sweet with 6. And to the OP... don't seal that room without CO2. A Genny would be best with a Spartan/Titan controller running on propane or NG if you can pipe it in. Bottles are a pain in the ass.
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What the hell has this place become? Sorry OP, there was a point and time where this was a place where people came to help others out and share information. Now its just a bunch of dickheads that think their super uncreative 'jokes' are funny.

I came here to see what the consensus would be on a question like this and maybe learn a thing or two so unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you.

I bet you’re just a blast to have st parties eh?
Plants all over the ground from wall to wall? Or do you plan on going back in there after you put plants in? Will there be any other equipment in there, or just 550s and plants?

No, but seriously. So you have three 550s (12 boards) and/or about 1700-1800 watts? Are you able to afford, and already considering even more? I duno your level of "ability", but I'd suggest board+heatsink combos if you wanna get more to fill the space. Just for the versatility of layout/options.

(That said, I'd love to have a room where literally every bit of the floor/square footage was well lit, and just put plants wherever. It doesn't make sense for me though).
I bet you’re just a blast to have st parties eh?

Is this place a fucking party? No, its a place to share information and learn. Literally the opposite of a party. I got better things to do than sit and type up little lame ass jokes on the internet. Hell I don't like that Im even wasting time to reply to you.

The point is this man asked a very valid question and needed help. He didnt get one legit reply for the whole first page of the thread until Double replied. You guys pretty much turned his thread into a shit post show instead of helping the guy out. If you didnt have the answer to his question then fuck off. Go start your own thread with shit jokes and see how much attention it gets. Nobody comes to the internet to listen to your dumb ass talk.
I had 6 lights in total available, and planned to sell the unused. 2 lights seemed like a bit of a waste of the space and as above 3 fit awkward. I pondered the 6 lights but they would have been so close together … this pushed me to consider more even coverage than 3 and so i’ve got 4 in there right now evenly spaced … will see how it goes. I think it looks good.

TL;DR - for now I am going with 4 lights
. He didnt get one legit reply for the whole first page of the thread

Your reading skills must not be that good eh?

You sound like you get hurt feelings over the smallest stuff you see on the internet. Have you ever thought of taking at walk to a nice local lake and feeding some ducks and stuff?
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