Alrighty then this was my choice for my first indoor grow and hydro set-up after three weeks of reading and comparing strains i decided on this one more of a budget decision than anything.i received my order from Attitude seeds on 1/3/2011. i planted three seeds at 1:30 pm same day using jiffy peat pellets miracle grow potting soil with nutrients in a jiffy 2" peat pot.I am writing this retroactive so please excuse any possible memory lapses or confused dates lol
Day 13 of my grow and i have had moderate success have 2 seedlings out of 6 seeds i just started germ on the last seed today the Kannabia Lablanca didnt germ and two G-13 Blueberry Gum also failed after cracking and showing root tips but i am pretty sure this is due to my excitement and improper handling of them (noob at this ) but i do have two nice G-13 Blueberry Gum seedlings that were just transplanted into my hydro ebb n flow system yesterday. i call one my superstar and the other the survivor both were feminized so i hope they are girls, anyway my superstar germed and was already 1 1/2 inches tall in 30 hours and my survivor was right behind her until she got knocked over and spilled out of her home i acted quickly and she survived but suffered a bit of stress and didnt stunted her growth a bit but she is doing fine now pics are below.Pic 1 is my superstar girl and Pic 2 is my survivor she did have a rough time of it the seed shell was hung up on her cotyledon's which i gave a little nudge with a toothpick to help her out which is why she has browned edges in the next pic of her after tranplanting.
both girls were transplanted on the 15th into their new environment and started on full strength nutrients in 10 gallons of water(using techna flora nutes i got the starter kit to start out and following their recipe for success) i didnt have any Ph down to properly adjust the water Ph which showed in the first set of leaves( they deformed a bit but that was all) they spent a couple more days under the plain flouro as my grow light was still on backorder.
View attachment 1413773View attachment 1413770ok these girls are roughly 6 days old and 1 day in the hydro system of which i just buried the peat pellet under the hydroton pebbles minus the outer peat pot and soil which since i have modified this idea by using square coco fiber pots instead of the jiffy pots.(more on this later)
Day 11 and day 12 for the girls and they are looking nice and growing well the last pic is the tangerine dream feminized seeds i ordered on the 1/12/2011
day 12 and the new seed order from Attitude and the lame shirt lol girls are 12 days old and looking good new grow light is up and girls are liking it.
Day 14 for the girls finally got most of the grow room complete got the exhaust fan hung up an modified ( found this out and about shopping at Farm n fleet max speed output is 500cfm for 60 bucks screw the hydro store and rip off prices) Note hear for all it pays to shop around at menards and farm and fleet for equips you can save a ton of money.
anyway the girls are officially 2 weeks old and lookin good kinda worried they are growing slow but this is only because of the grow light being on back order.I am still running the hydro system and lights manually plan on getting reflectix sheeting and timers soon.
Days 15-17 things are going smooth no major problems just a few minor Ph and water fixes girls have been on full strength nutes since being transplanted in the hydro system finally got reflective sheeting and timers on 1/26/2011 now the grow room is 95% complete and i feel a bit more relaxed and confident i have learned alot through reasearch and help from others on here(thanks all special shout out to those i have had conversations with) and making my way through experimenting trial and error more success than error(knockin on wood here ) but keeping some common sense and some experiance with horticulture plus a little help from Mac and others here. Had a cool surprise on the 26th while completing the grow room day 4 since i germed the TD one sprouted and i got to watch her progress through the day and unfold.You can see the modifications to my germination/seedling system tranplant the seedling and peat pellet into the coco fiber square pot then use the smallest hydroton pebbles to fill in around the peat pellet hopefiully this will give the plant more of a stable base than just the peat pellet which just washed away and ended up in the reservoir,I hope the coco fiber will also solve that minor issue, and as you can see she is already in the flood tray getting full nutes same as the other two girls.
ok here are the rest of the pics from day 17 through to day 19 1/29/2011 officially 19 days for the BBG girls and day three for the TD sorry for those that have been following my grow on the dates but i am back on track and these are the accurate stats got a little confused with getting the grow room done and all but it is all settled in and running smooth now next post i will run down all the tech stats and operation/feeding infk recent decisions,My superstar BBG was stretching out faster than her sister which was short but filling in quick and strong getting beefy in the stem with very short and compact length between internodes so i chose to leave her go all natural and do topping and LST on her sister to get her height under control and also to get hands on learning the processes this is where i differ from most of what i have read as i topped her once the second internode was fully established with young leaves, i had earlier also began the LST to give me more efficient use of available space initially i had hope the LST would slow her down a bit but didnt she actually picked up pace a bit and this led to the decision to top her and between the two she slowed down enough and wouldnt you know her sister is growing faster each day now and filling out nicely.
Alright here are the tech stats and operation feeding schedule info from day one til now. I am using a hydro ebb and flow system with five gallons water in the reservoir feeding full strength TechnaFlora nutes grow medium is hydroton pebbles i just added Jobes jump start with Mych and beneficial bacteria on day 17 this is actually for soil but I just sprinkle the equivalent into the hydroton pebbles at the fill fitting and let the water distrbute it to the plants and this is working out stats are 2'6"deep x 4'11" w x 6'9"high roughly,avg room temp is 77-79deg so far high has been 82deg and a low of 72deg had spike of 95 today 1/31/2011 from the dehumidifier running kinda freaked me for a sec cause the RH also dropped to 23% but the ladies actually seemed to respond to this with noticeable accelerated growth so i am contemplating this info at the moment.Anyway the RH is an avg of 42%-47% and a high of 62% and the previous low was 37% until today these fluctuate throughout the light cycle which starts at 6:00 am until 11:30 pm this was 18 hours until 1/27 when i dropped the 1/2 hour which i will continue dropping by 1/2 hour each week now until 12/12 for flowering lighting is a sunblaze T5 2' 4 bulb 6500k system tested out with friends meter at 10250 lumens and 2 15 watt 2700k 18" flouros for some red wavelength and extra lumens they add about 2500 lumens each (not tested) this is from the bulb specs sheet.I keep the lights within 4-8 inches from plant tops i move them around and adjust them randomly everyday mostly for convenience while tending or other chores.The watering schedule is set for every four hours for seven minutes and I religiously maintain a 5.6 to 6.0 Ph since i had the issue with deformed leaves at the beginning.I change the res water and add fresh nutes weekly.the exhaust fan is a shopvac mighty mini air mover which has three fan speed settings at high it will circulate 500cfm. so there it is finally if i happened to leave something out or any questions holler and i will reply or answer as best i can.
Monday morning 1/31/2011 Pic update: Day 6 for the little TD and 100% sure (maybe) JK day 21 for the 2 BBG, the LST is coming along well it looks like not sure on this as it is my first time trying this and her top is coming back in pretty nice not sure how many there are but I think there might be 6 altogether will have to see once they get further along still pretty hard to distinguish what is what just alot of growth happening there is about all i can say for sure.On the other side her sister is growing very nice filling in nicely in my opinion.The grow room had an official visitor yesterday well actually 2 of them and the girls were thoroughly checked over for any bugs. If you look close at pics 6,7 and 8 you can see one of them(asian ladybugs)hanging out preening or somthing there on the main stem I freaked out a little bit when i first noticed them and got online quick did some research to make sure they were not gonna harm the girls i was a little bit sketchy on their background and bio history, about all i did know was they were annoying as hell every spring and fall but as it turms out they are only finding a nice spot to hibernate for the winter and then moving on in the spring.And as luck has it they are a ferocious predator of spider mites and most other little nasties and dont mind the strong smell of the girls which they do have a very distinct and strong citrus smell already which will last on my fingers for a good half hour, so after doing a background check on my visitors i left them be and watched them for an hour or so and couple other times throughout the day with the magnifying glass just to make sure and they actually were pretty interesting had my own discovery channel live goin on and they were pretty thorough going over every last mm of the plants and were actually pretty tidy as they would pick up any small piece of dust or lint off the leaves check it out see if it was edible or not then drop it effectively cleaning the leaves for me (way cool) so as i have a good supply of these little critters any potential pest problems are solved and the other fungal pests shouldnt be an issue. well there you have it Homey's mondays update have good week all holler at Y'all later
looking great kid! cant wait to see how these turn out hopefully the girl i topped will be 2 headed by friday for comparison!
smoke weed erreyday!!!!!!!
OK this sucks anyone know how to fix the damn settings so i dont get booted out as idle time log out? i keep trying to post entries but by the time i get everything typed in i have to log in again and lose everything i just entered very annoying and frustrating
2/3/2011 Thursday morning:I had originally wrote this out and was gonna post it last night but as usual being high i forgot to copy before hitting enter,anyway not very much going on this week but routine chores drained and cleaned the reservoir and water pump decided to leave out the airstone to much hassle with it driving up the Ph, the alternative for aeration is just the natural ebb and flow system as the overflow tube enters the reservoir 12 inches above the water level and creates a waterfall aeration effect while in operation so increased the feeding cycle to every three hours for 7 mins which cycles 21.5 gals(185 gals/hr using 5 gal res)so I am counting on this to aerate the reservoir sufficiently also I feel more comfortable with this as the root system is kept supplied with fresh water and nutrients now that the girls are using more of both mostly the untouched BBG.I am still not sure what is goin on with my LST and Topping experiment (looks like i created a frankenstein) you will see when you look at the pics lol any way good news is she is still growing but i succeeded in slowing her down to much so i guess i am a typical noob went from not enough to to much (what happens when i get hold of white widow buds LOL)shout out to My bro BR for the DANK ASS WW anyway back to this update i have been monitoring the height on the plants and most noticably the untouched BBG some kickass pics this week ( my stoned/biased opinion) i might be getting pic happy with the kids but it is fun when i have the time of course the old lady is annoyed but oh well ok back to the plants the TD is doing super well and is already on her third set of leaves growing and looking pretty strong doing a little bit of LST with her making her grow around the bigger pebbles in the hydroton and she is responding very well and not showing any signs of stress i figure they would do this in the wild anyway so it shouldnt hurt to try it out and make them think they are outdoors as much as possible when i can.The experimental project is up in the air with the deformed growth and all so in order to pick up the pace in the lower tops if they are there i took the middle top and decided to try the pinch method so they would get a boost again this looks like it went well a purple bruise showed immediately so i monitored it most of yesterday afternoon and just before lights out there were no signs of wilting or dying so i think this will help the lower nodes pickup a good boost while the top heals itself.ok next post will be this weeks Sweet PICs Thanks for the tip Mac worked out good lol
just a qucik note of introduction This is Rx (pronounced rex)My stoner Cat he is 9 months old and we are shown here having just partaken of some Dank white widow from a friend.
so there they are and note here the TD was germinated on 1/22/2011 and sprouted on day four 1/26/2011 which makes her 8 days old today.and the BBG's are on day 24.
Saturday 2/5/2011 update well after some consideration and going over Uncle Bens topping method again i came to the conclusion i didnt wait long enough for the 4 main colas method so in short when i topped the one BBG it took just long enough for the main to heal which resulted in the four mains starting and the top coming back in with 2 deformed tops ( A Frankenstein) but the end result was i was only going to get one true top so tonight i decided to take the top again and hope for the best which i am also going to try and root the cutting with rootech cloning gel. Got my fingers crossed with this one so all in all i scrubbed the LST project for the moment and let the topping project play out guess i just got caught up in the excitement and bit off more than reasonable lol so thats it for tonight will post some more pics tommorow hopefully before the game Packers gonna kick ass on the steelers Yeah I am a Green Bay fan Later Yall
[video=youtube;9a42dvNsmRA][/video] Just a nice monday morning surprise!!! Critics be kind didnt do a wake an bake until after the vid lol
Ok here are mondays Pic updates this is a shocker guys I think it is safe to say i have the hydro dialed in and balanced perfect
ok this is todays ruler pic 2/7/2011 This pic taken on 2/1/2011 These 2 pics taken on 2/3/2011 and 2/4/2011 not bragging here wait maybe just a little proud just shows what keeping a prober balance of light,Ph,and nutrients can produce and all it takes is an open mind and willingness to learn hands on.I quote here as i was told when i first started this grow the first week of Jan 2011 "all it takes is patience and persistence to grow good bud" Thanks Mac the right attitude is paying off as the Pics say it all
Very, VERY nice grow! I hope mine explode like that in a month! lol! Mine sprouted somewhere around the 24th-27th of Jan...can't really remember exactly, although I believe I did mention the dates on my thread lol...anyway mine are only going to be 2 weeks old this week, so things should start to get interesting very soon for me. Great plants btw
Thanx Eastman you can follow my entire grow and see how i got this far feel free to ask any ?'s will be glad to share what experiance i am getting +rep for stopping by thanx again