$75 an eighth! Are you kidding me!?

Black market rate here for dispensary quality bud=$15-18/G.

Mexican brick can still be had for $125/zip.
So I recently moved to a different town, and so begins the process of finding a reliable "guy". One guy quoted me at $75 an eighth! As much as I love to smoke, I had to pass on that shit.. I'm no stranger to economics, everyone needs to make a little bit, but that's a rip off. I can't wait until I can have my own plants so I can leave this bullshit behind.

I'd only charge that much for Malawi gold or some other long ass flowering strain.
I thought that perhaps with the growing public support for bud, prices would soften if anything.. Where I come from $50/eighth has been standard for dank bud, $25/eighth for mids. The guy who told me that price doesn't deal, only helping me out as a favor. He was totally cool when I told him that was too steep for me, and told me he knows someone else that could do $60. I'm curious whether prices are somewhat "seasonal", I'd imagine you could get better deals right after harvest time. Ahh, it will be a glorious day when I can get an eighth of kind bud for $20 :hump:
Damn people are stupid. I wonder if anybody has actully bought from him.

Captive audience my friend.. I bet I could sell you a bottle of water for $100 if you were stranded in the middle of the desert, dying of thirst. When you have a commodity in high demand like bud, sellers will charge whatever they could get away with. The only reason they don't is they risk alienating customers, who can go elsewhere. If they somehow feel like the customer has nowhere else to go.. well then you deal with shit like this. There is an interesting book called "freakonomics" and actually covers the economics of drug dealing in brief. Whether we like it or not, the same economics rules apply to weed just like corn.

In legal goods like corn or milk, the price we pay reflects the actual value. Every step from manufacture to delivery and finally to retail, goes into the cost we pay. Weed (economically) is somewhere between legal and illicit (like cocaine). Sure we can buy the mexi-brick type shit for cheap, because its grown in mass with little care. Traditional illicit drugs are so expensive because they need FIELDS of coca or poppy to produce a small amount of refined product. These fields are on the other side of the planet, so the transportation is a huge issue (and risk). While most legal products have a very modest markup, like a box of screws at a hardware store, illicit ones have an outrageous markup.

Expensive weed is due to only one reason, RISK. In this freakonomic situation, we have essentially put a financial value on that risk. Harder drugs, bigger risk, bigger markup..
when people charge 75-100 for eighth when there is almost no risk= the cocksucker tax...i doubt the guy paid 90 and "needs" to get 100, but thats prob his line...when he paid 50! lol
when people charge 75-100 for eighth when there is almost no risk= the cocksucker tax...i doubt the guy paid 90 and "needs" to get 100, but thats prob his line...when he paid 50! lol
It is supply and demand - if demand is high & supply low then it is what the market will bear.
Many of the fishermen I meet daily are pushing a fat six figures annually & after 3 weeks at sea (with a big pocket full of cash).
Not saying it is right - hell, I don't participate in that sort of activity except to gift my friends.
Corn and turnip farmers sell their wares to the highest bidder. no ?
Whoever asked about seasonal, where I'm from it dries up right before outdoor harvest time. Been that way since I was a kid, then you pay a bit more if you don't know the right people.
you can get a 40 bag here.People call it a 1/8.Its really only 2.8 if you are lucky.More like 2.0 or 2.2.

Out in the bush its 100 bucks for 1.5 or LESS
iv seen people charge over 70 when supply was fine, hence the cocksucker tax. but i now what your saying about supply and demand. simple economics...
It is supply and demand - if demand is high & supply low then it is what the market will bear.
Many of the fishermen I meet daily are pushing a fat six figures annually & after 3 weeks at sea (with a big pocket full of cash).
Not saying it is right - hell, I don't participate in that sort of activity except to gift my friends.
Corn and turnip farmers sell their wares to the highest bidder. no ?

I wonder if prices are slightly skewed being far up north. I'm not sure if it's Alaska or Canada, but I've heard the price of everything is higher. Also, even regionally, (Chicago for instance) rent, cigarettes, are considerably more expensive. I suppose if you lived somewhere where you needed a bush plane and sled dogs to pick up grow lights, that would make for some expensive bud, and rightfully so. "Scientifically speaking" or "economically" you would need a representative sample of the continental US, do some "averages". That might be all bullshit anyways even, some people are getting major hookups and others are getting jacked..

That's a good point about a "cocksucker" tax though. FURTHERMORE, If I AM paying said cocksucker tax, I expect my money's worth. What I mean by this is, that guy needs to have his shit together like none other! If I'm paying $75/eighth, he better have it delivered to me, within the hour like fucking Domino's! Keeping me around waiting a few days, then having to meet up in some parking lot, sketchy as hell, THEN paying an outrageous price.. FUCK THAT!

Like I said, I'm hip to how things work. Hell, if a buddy of mine is hooking me up at cost, I'll tip him and smoke him out. I understand they need to make calls and do whatever to help me out. I prefer to meet up at either my place or theirs to sample the goods.
Around my area brick/mids-$30 an eighth, dank and better-$60 an eighth. And prices in my area are high you were right not to pay that. If you did it better be the best fucking weed money can buy for $75 an eighth!
Yummy brick! Gotta love that black/brown oh hell whatever you wanna call it compressed shit aint worth it lol.

The shit's been around these parts since the 70's, and it's still the same shit...yet people still buy it.

Go figure:confused:
The shit's been around these parts since the 70's, and it's still the same shit...yet people still buy it.

Go figure:confused:
its never worth buying even if its been around since then. of course brown brick is the cheapest weed you can get. it still isnt worth it. where do you get horrible genetics like that? ive been searching around here for bag seed just to have a back up for those on low income but even then its hard as fuck to find.
So I recently moved to a different town, and so begins the process of finding a reliable "guy". One guy quoted me at $75 an eighth! As much as I love to smoke, I had to pass on that shit.. I'm no stranger to economics, everyone needs to make a little bit, but that's a rip off. I can't wait until I can have my own plants so I can leave this bullshit behind.

70$ a quater, 60$ for close friends. Everyone's happy. Why be greedy?