700$ pc growset


Well-Known Member
Youve all seen it, Amazon.com: PC Micro-Grow Box; Complete System for Growing Plants in a Computer Case: Patio, Lawn & Garden , i was just wondering if anybody could come up with a reason why anybody wouldnt build this for under 100$ themselves? You would have to be a complete idiot to want to buy this, and if you are an idiot you usually dont have 700$ to spend. This makes you want to start selling these things on ebay yourself.
Am i missing something that makes this thing worth 600$ more than what the parts are worth.
Even for 100$ its still too small to grow.

Heres some more details: PC Grow Box; Complete System for Growing 1-3 Plants in a Computer Case
They look pretty useless to me your better of buying an old wardrobe from the junk shop for a tenner:mrgreen:
They make this to get dummies like the idiots who buy aerogardens to buy them. Like they say a sucker is born every minute lol