70 Watt HPS Light From Lowes $75


Well-Known Member

if i get a MH setup, its only good for MH? just unscrwing the dam light and putting in a HPS would not work because?????

and how would a dang switch change that?

this is redonkulous.. ima go down to this plae and see what the hell the deal is with this shit haha

i am sure i dont want to put down like 300+ i just was thinkin 200 no prob, and switch the dam light bulbs out... srsly i cant understand why they make it LIGHT BULB specific.... same fucking watts...


Well-Known Member
They are different and have different power requirements at different stages of operation...

Just as a Fluorescent is different from an Incandescent which is different than a Halogen which is different than a Mercury Vapor... etc....

Nothing you can do about that... to run a MH on a HPS ballast, it must be modified, either at the factory or at home...

Just invest in what you need... buy the right tools and they will pay for themselves...

I just orderd a 600 W HPS with a cool tube for less than 300 bucks... you should be able to find a 250 or even a 400 for less than that...

Good luck... and if you try the ballast conversion yourself, please be careful.... electricity is very real, even if you cannot see it...




Well-Known Member
ohhhhh ok i understand now, how u put it

soo would buying a 250 HPS set then buy a MH to HPS conversion bulb so i would then be able to run a MH bulb on my HPS set correct? then when i want HPS i just put the HPS bulb back in?

this would work yesss?

like gettting a 400w HPS system then getting a 360w MH to HPS conversion bulb and it would run fine?

basically all u need is a HPS set then a conversion bulb and yer set yessS?


Well-Known Member
Why not just buy 2x $20 150w HPS's and 1x 150 or so halide if you end up wanting more light. Best arrangement you can have and it's like $54 or so dollars for two of those HPS's shipped.

That's 30k lumens not counting what you find in MH. Better than a single 250w HPS.


Well-Known Member
but dont u have to wire those ones for 20 bux?

whats the deal with that...

is there such setup for MH bulbs?

and like 3 150W HPS would be enough for my small growroom of a closet for a few plants for veg and flowering? im just worried im going to get palm trees in there....

but with the light close enough i shouldnt get any problems heightwise right?


Well-Known Member
if u don't let em stretch, yea. im using a good 150w hps right now. im going to buy a cheap one just for a mother plant.


Well-Known Member
there diagrams on here how to wire these fuckers?

hard or basic 5 min job?

any ideas how i can get 3 of those from the internet to my house without parents cards, or any shit?

this is horrible because i only have cash, and no card, and parents dont agree with what i shall be doing haha



Well-Known Member
All they need is the power cord hooked up, Same as the ones a Lowes you are talking about. Not like you have to wire the whole ballast and hook the individual parts up from scratch.

Can you connect green to green and white to white and black to black with wire nuts?

If that's not over your head then the savings are worth it.

Three would be enough for most closet grows, yes, but I'd just start with two. If you're going to buy three then that's $74, a better deal for that amount of money would be one of their 400w ballast and bulb setups like a single 400w pulse start halide.

One 400 is more efficient than 3x 150's. But 3x 150's might cover a long thin grow area better or be better if you want to split one for veg and two for flowering.

Just depends on what you want I guess.

You could probably call in an order and send a money order for payment via snail mail. You'd have to call their 800 number to find out. Might be a hassle but getting 3x 150w's for the price of one 70w locally makes me think it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the post above, but I would make sure to put the ballasts outside of your grow area... just because of the extra heat...



Well-Known Member
yeah.. wiring no prob, i just never looked into it, i can put the ballast above my growing area on shelves completely out of the area, got that covered.

but the area i got right now has 8 seeds i planted yesterday and they all sitting there... if all 8 do actually pop the surface and grow ill have some problems haha ill have to clear out the other side of my closet... i want to grow as many as i can to about 1-2 or so feet then check which male/female, and then kill the males, which will most likly be at least half or more... but if more fems then ill deal with it :p

but for starting 8 seedlings when they pop the ground and potentially 5+ females in my closet would 4 150's be better? or 1 fatty 400w?

atm one has come up and its only getting a 25w cfl at 1 inch so i need to do somthing here or itl be christmas before i get another set of leaves...


Well-Known Member
A single cfl like that can sustain seedlings a few weeks or more if you can get them close enough to the light, but more light will get them going faster, at some point they'll just kind of stall growth and sit there like houseplants just lounging... If they pop ground and don't have enough light cause you can't get them close enough then they'll stretch really tall and then flop over and die.


Well-Known Member
You'd start seedlings 12" away from the 150's or 6" away from the 70. Either way you should have a fan blowing on the bulbs and top of the seedlings and keep your temperatures under control and then you won't ever burn them. Don't put them under the HID until they've popped ground. Some prefer to sprout them under cfl or flouro's a few days for the roots to establish and then go to hid but it's not necessary if you start with the HID back like I said. When plants are mature the light would be within 5" or so of the tops of the plants for the 150w and 3" or so for the 70 and you can test if you can go further from there.(both assuming a good fan is on the bulb and tops of the plants to keep them cool)


Well-Known Member
yeah, right now i have the 7 seeds under a infared light putting off a shitload of heat keeping them at 83 or so degrees in moisture controlled environment, and the one that poped yesterday morning has a pair of leaves bigger than the cotyls and it is about 1 inch from a cfl and 2ft fluorescent tube with a fan and constand temp of 79.2+- degree or so. the leaves are right on the soil surface and i put the cup up to the light so it wont stretch.. 18 hours on 6 off or should i just run it 24 or 22?

i emailed econlights about my payment issues, hopefully they will help me out here..

and i will just buy 3 HPS 150's and keep em cool with cpu fans, hopefully ill see a noticible diff in groth rates with these 150's

and to wire them can i just cut any old lamp wire and rewire that?


Well-Known Member
Run the lights however you like but I don't see much advantage to going beyond 18/6.
I have found they usually like some sleep, but others disagree. I think it may depend on the strain.

3 prong cord as in computer power cords, they're dirt cheap, or cords off some dead stuff you might have as long as they're 3 prong with ground.
I'd call them, email can take forever to get a response from many places compared to a quick call.


Well-Known Member
Run the lights however you like but I don't see much advantage to going beyond 18/6.
I have found they usually like some sleep, but others disagree. I think it may depend on the strain.

3 prong cord as in computer power cords, they're dirt cheap, or cords off some dead stuff you might have as long as they're 3 prong with ground.
I'd call them, email can take forever to get a response from many places compared to a quick call.

thanks a lot everyone for helpin me out here

mucho appreciated! thankyou all :-P


Well-Known Member
Run the lights however you like but I don't see much advantage to going beyond 18/6.
I have found they usually like some sleep, but others disagree. I think it may depend on the strain.

3 prong cord as in computer power cords, they're dirt cheap, or cords off some dead stuff you might have as long as they're 3 prong with ground.
I'd call them, email can take forever to get a response from many places compared to a quick call.
I was just reading that keeping the lights on 24/7 and using metal halide increases the chances of females, most important during week 3 - 4.

I'll post it if I get a chance.