70 watt hps cord length??


Active Member
so iv got a 70w hps grow light made out of a security light.how long should the power cord be? it seems to me when the cord is stretched out the light and ballast run cooler.and when the cords coiled up it runs hotter.is this true?how long should this cord be?or does it matter? im thinking it matters.any help would be great thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
i got a 70w hps took it apart ran one of those 99c extension cords from the ballast to the socket screwed the ballast to the back of a speaker hung the socket from the cord inside the speaker passive intake from bottom sub exhausting through tweeter with 92mm pc fan no heat issues


Well-Known Member
is the ballast actually in the enclosure with the light? how big is your grow space? i'm just guessing that when the cord is coiled it will generate slightly more heat but i doubt if it's really an issue.