7 years

And proving my point yet again.
Well, this may be why. It's perfectly relevant to an earlier convo. Not much anyone can say about dat. Your boii is proudly a degenerate psychopath. Yet you and srh have provided phony support to him. Neither of you would let this crackhead within a mile of your home or family.
remember how I had a girl raped after her boyfriend robbed me?
Farmer, nothing you will ever say, can trump your own words here.
Well, this may be why. It's perfectly relevant to an earlier convo. Not much anyone can say about dat. Your boii is proudly a degenerate psychopath. Yet you and srh have provided phony support to him. Neither of you would let this crackhead within a mile of your home or family.

Farmer, nothing you will ever say, can trump your own words here.

An earlier conversation was us talking about DST ending this morning. What you're referring to happened like a week ago lol. In internet years that's like decades ago. Cold war era.
I want that mug!
tammy I wuv you

I wuv you so much

words don\t express my love for you

every thing i write i an ode to the tomtom

my fucking rock

I got that rock kiddo lets get high and plow them hoes.

you owe me money because I seen ur wie be nice to you. she even said sf was right

huehuehuehueeuheue im such a trolll
An earlier conversation was us talking about DST ending this morning. What you're referring to happened like a week ago lol. In internet years that's like decades ago. Cold war era.
I see your point. Suppose this doesn't apply your mom's spiel and daggers about past business though. I've always viewed you as objective and fair, but that's changed somewhat. I understand nepotism and subjectivity, as seen with you, srh, farmer, bobby and bineer. I just never believed C2G would groom and enable a rapist. That's kinda weird js.

Yea Neo, you're right. Guess I can let bygones be bygones.
I see your point. Suppose this doesn't apply your mom's spiel and daggers about past business though. I've always viewed you as objective and fair, but that's changed somewhat. I understand nepotism and subjectivity, as seen with you, srh, farmer, bobby and bineer. I just never believed C2G would groom and enable a rapist. That's kinda weird js.

Yea Neo, you're right. Guess I can let bygones be bygones.
there you go with the mom shit again, dude you are showing your cards early.

you will be the easiest fool I ever did troll.

wahh wahhh I am abe and my mom sent me to new york to live with my rich aunts at 5 years old. now here I all grown and totally not resenting older women because of mommy
no mommy plays no part in my obsessive hatred of older women
wahh wahhh

im abe
I ain't proud.
Water under the bridge bro. Who you have raped is strictly your business.
I have never raped a person in my life.

I have the convo where this occured. I was giving you ammo and you still had to lie to try and make a point?

realize you just lied about something I brought into the open as ammo for you?

you are dumb.

full story synopsis.

a guy tried busting down my door over a small amount of weed, I was on the phone and avoiding him because I do not need 10 bucks. He begins texting me how he is going to my moms house and going to "retrieve" his money/

he was mad he spent 3 bucks in busfare to come grab but I told him no deal if you are longer then 15 min. I ain't staying up. just coming of a crack binge and was chugging whiskey.

so dude threatened my mom

I had his house invaded when he never came to fight me over these allegatons(stupid fucks like to talk, but ain't ready when gun talk comes up)

his girlfriend was raped by a bunch of dudes I know and they sent me the video as proof as I offered money to anyone who did dirt to this dude or his family.

am a shitty person abe. I have no [problems discussing the things I do. I deal with crack and heroin and you think I am going to be afraid?

that girl talks to me still, one day I wil tell her it was me who ordered the dudes into the house over a bag10 dollar bag that never got sold anyways

I have people hurt in bad ways if my family comes into it. I did a ew years over my ex wife to save her from jail

I am loyal as fuck but I will hurt you or your friends/gamily if you bring mine into it
I see your point. Suppose this doesn't apply your mom's spiel and daggers about past business though. I've always viewed you as objective and fair, but that's changed somewhat. I understand nepotism and subjectivity, as seen with you, srh, farmer, bobby and bineer. I just never believed C2G would groom and enable a rapist. That's kinda weird js.

Yea Neo, you're right. Guess I can let bygones be bygones.

Wowzers. There is no secret plot to destroy you. This isn't the Abecurian Candidate.
that was superbowl night 2 years ago,

funny abe we have talked personally for a while and this whole c2g thing got your panties all knotted up

calm down fam

remember our feud started over me saying "smh"