7 weeks into flowering small buds,help

This is my first grow I'm 7 weeks into flowering and my buds are small the plant smells bomb should i finsh it out or flush and haverst here are some pics please help


Well-Known Member
Well I see the problem in picture 3, you need a real light if you want to make real size buds, in my opinion.

Why would you not wait until they are really done? or you could waste all the time you have put into it so far, whatever you want..

The buds look OK man, you should be proud of these nugs. If you trim it good and can wait to cure it, it might turn out pretty good. Get a scope to look at the trichs and when they are mostly all cloudy with with a few amber cut it down, your almost there.....Good luck, JR


Well-Known Member
how ever long it takes for them all to be cloudy or until I start to see 1-2% turn amber, as long as the majority, and I mean vast majority are cloudy...JR


Well-Known Member
just throwing it out there that most peeps say their stains are ready around 8 weeks...FYI


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine named fdd has a tutorial on harvesting, he makes it very easy to see when they are done, so here's the part

"we will start with ripeness. most people say to check your trichromes with 30X magnification. i have other ways. when buds are done they look "done". the appearance of the bud changes. the leaves start to hook upwards and become hard and crispy. the calyxes will swell and the hairs will turn brown. you can see a golden tinge to the bud leaves. this is the amber crystals. they start to turn amber on the leaves first.

not ready..........


notice the difference? it's pretty easy to see once it occurs. :mrgreen:"
so plants are done at 8 weeks mine is at 7 weeks but looks like a.plant that has been in flowering for 4 weeks ive seen some good grows online and my shit sucks compared to those so should I flush since im at 7 weeks or let them go another couple weeks


Well-Known Member
so plants are done at 8 weeks mine is at 7 weeks but looks like a.plant that has been in flowering for 4 weeks ive seen some good grows online and my shit sucks compared to those so should I flush since im at 7 weeks or let them go another couple weeks
Under absolute best conditions plants will be ready in 8 weeks if you harvest at all cloudy. I usually go 10-12 weeks myself. Dont harvest till the plant shows its ready.

Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
More lumens,bigger buds

Let them finish out,its not all about the size of the nugs', its much more than that.Sure big flowers are nice, but I am betting you end up with something very worthy


Well-Known Member
Strange,because all the plant looks ok the nodes are realy close togeather this is always a good thing and with out photo's i would have sai that the light had been kept too far from the plants tops causeing streching and loss of weight.The only other two thing's i can put this down to is the nute package that you are useing,start useing advanced has there is no nutes that will touch advanced out there at this point in time.Also wa a pk spike used is the room light tight no light has got into the room during the photo period if so this can effect the overhall yeild,What light was used it was not a cfl or flouresent was it because if so yr answer lies there.If you was useing a 600 or even a 250 the yeild should be ten times what you have there,Get a decent light and some advanced sensi veg and bloom when you have these let me know i will do my best to talk you through getting a ft harvest,it's all trail and error when starting out but you need a pk spike has well has sensi grow bloom and veg go with advanced big bud has mixing nute brands can be a bad thing.The worste yeild that i ever had was when i once used bio bizz this is supposed to be organic,but in my opinion there is no differance in over hall end taste when useing a man made nute like advanced.We all strive to get the most we can from our girls so get the best stuff for the job.


They are looking good. Florals take a lot longer to bud and fill out. If you Get the lights closer . Place one or two under to get the little bottom nugs and give it time the colas will fatten up. You may even have to take the ready buds from the top and keep it rolling until the middle or lower buds mature. Keep an eye on the trycombs and keep the lights going you will be surprised how they can fatten up toward the end. = your grow will take longer then a MH or hps light. But you'll still have good shit.


Well-Known Member
They look fine, just give them another 10-14 days and then decide. I bet you could do better than 23W if you really tried.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that most of the buds mass is added the last few weeks. so dont think its game over and this stall is the end, its not. within a few weeks you'll probally notice them beginning to swell up nicely.