7 weeks into fllowering. starting to see a little bit of webs.


Well-Known Member
I know they are spider mites. I watered a couple tables in the garage to speed watering up. I had a feeling it was a bad idea but i did it anyway.started to notice that on a couple of my plants the bud was starting to look like shit, kinda like mold on the leafs and little white balls that kinda looked like peralite. today on a couple plants a could see webbing barley on sum of the buds you have to look real close to see it.

what can I do to get the mites under controll so I can finish my crop?


pics would be a good start. now im not sure of any short term quick fixes but i would advise a trip to your local garden center and have a rumage for some organic spray to get rid of them. how far off are you from harvesting?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
here it is your safe, ive had this fucked problom before. its hard work and u have to stay with this system. get your ass a shop vac. vacuum those fucking mites off. i mean put the buds inside the vacuum it wont fuck up your buds promise. it might fuck some leaves up but so what. look for webs at the noid intercection get those too. u will have to stay on this daily or when u start seeing webs. and make sure you change cloths after. wash them right away. go through all the plants carefully those mites hide and some times its hard to see the webs. good luck..


Well-Known Member
He is right...It works, I have done it my last week. Shop vac them buggers off. Shop vac with a filter so they dont blow back into the room. It might tear up the leaves alittle like he said...but all you need is the bud. Spidermites suck! I feel for you but they are not the worst thing! goodluck


Well-Known Member
where do spidermites come from? i mean , how do you get em? to damp inside the growroom or what? i dont even know what they look like man

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i dont know exactly but in my case my girlfriends sister. im a firm believer in if u dont know where they come from they prob came from the grow store.


Well-Known Member
They are hitch hikers on people or brought in on plants that r not treated and can enter through venilation system, they come from mostly indoor Cannabis gardens, especially during the summer months. They live on plants mostly on the underside of the leaves and they lay eggs. they pierce the surface of the leaves, then suck the plant juices from themThese punctures appear on the leaves as tiny brown spots surround by yellow.


Well-Known Member
I think I got them from bring plants into my garage to water. I did this for a week or two and just barley got mites for the first time in 3 years


Well-Known Member
try monteray gardens "take down garden spray" I've used it up to the night before harvest with no ill effects

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
no they wont fuck the buds up if and when u chop the dranches off to trim and hang the mites will go to the end of the branches on the line and form a nasty ass cacoon looking web.they will have no live vegation and will die. then u will do your fine trim and make your buds look like the best ever,cut all the spider mite looking leaves off. even the small fucked leaves.


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine had a spider mite attack years ago (he's dead now) but it got so bad, they were webbing over his colas. Looked really yucky.


Well-Known Member
DSCN0307.JPGDSCN0306.JPGDSCN0267.JPGthat was them a week ago. they dont look to much different other than maturity and on sum of the sugar leaf you can see what kinda looks like a mild case of mold but it had to do with these spider mites.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
if those buds are going to medical patients i woulnt spray shit. i know some of that stuff says intill harvest but man. those buds look too good to tast like shit. one time i had mites in week 6. i shop vac for 2 weeks every day. quickly did my first trim and hung them. by the way whats your expected yield?


Well-Known Member
if those buds are going to medical patients i woulnt spray shit. i know some of that stuff says intill harvest but man. those buds look too good to tast like shit. one time i had mites in week 6. i shop vac for 2 weeks every day. quickly did my first trim and hung them. by the way whats your expected yield?
yeah im not going to spray them. im flushing them right now trying to let them get to week 8. Theres 38 plants under 6 1,000 watters Im aiming for 5 pounds to be safe