7 Weeks in, how much longer?

Quick question, is the vertical growth of a plant not supposed to slow down/stop towards the end of flowering? i.e. No longer growing towards sunlight, but rather focusing on reproduction?

If my plant keeps growng at the rate it is, im going to have to find a way to raise my light - but then I would compromise the lighting at the bottom (already in short supply). Maybe I would need to supplement my lighting with a few 2700k CFL's. And where would I put them, just above the plant, or directly where the light is needed?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I have 8" between top of plant and light, and 12" below the pot.

I dont know if I can tie it without damaging the plant, there is alot of strain from the weight of the main cola. Already had to tie "supports" to it.

Going to add CFL's today, will take a picture of the set up :)


Well-Known Member
All you need to do it stick a pole/stake in the pot on one side. Fine an internode and tie something (string,wick,ties) round that and then just gently bend the main cola over (you will be surprised at how much it can bend). Be careful not to snap the bloodt thing though, lol....Then just tie of to the stake at whatever height. This will induce all the little flowers to stand up and your main cola will go boss. I bent over a 7ft outdoor plant and had the main cola down below the side branching it bent that far. (I had to get it into my greenhouse).
if i release one of the supports, the cola leans over (like that famous leaning tower) but it allows for more space between the light and the plant. Would that be bad for the plant? Im so scared i snap it off! haha


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me African Dream....and I disagree, I wouldn't cut it now as suggested above, it isn't ready.

if i release one of the supports, the cola leans over (like that famous leaning tower) but it allows for more space between the light and the plant. Would that be bad for the plant? Im so scared i snap it off! haha
I still think the main cola is going to get a lot fatter - not gonna chop just yet, I've come this far!

Quite a number of the white hairs are turning brown and starting to recede, and the smell is getting crazy dank!

Very excited about this plant :)


New Member
That is one sexy ass plant brother, probably few more weeks but I have been letting mine run longer lately and I wish I would have done it years ago.

Guitar guy

Active Member
My white widow looks exactly like yours so I'd say I have Maybe 3 weeks left. So I will do two more feedings and then flush for two weeks and then harvest. Just in time for high-school graduation. Aww fuck yeah


Well-Known Member
My white widow looks exactly like yours so I'd say I have Maybe 3 weeks left. So I will do two more feedings and then flush for two weeks and then harvest. Just in time for high-school graduation. Aww fuck yeah
High school graduation. Bhahaha I hope ur 18 JK.
I think you're a bit off there Nukebisket :)

Its Week 9 today, going to put up some more photo's later today. Gonna chop between week 11-12, the buds should really fatten up by then
