7 weeks 3 days, 2 days into bloom, ARE THESE PLANTS OKAY?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone please tell me if my plants are okay? Did I put them in bloom too early? What about the leaves on the plants? In general, do they look healthy? On the plants that are a bit smaller, do you estimate I could maybe get around 2 ounces from it at least? Is there anything I can do now for them to produce more buds? any suggestions and tips are seen as helpful. Thanks



looks like these have been under alot of stress,i would have tryed to make them a bit more healthier before i would throw them under to flower.


Well-Known Member
Your plants don't have any buds yet so there is plenty you
can do to grow your buds bigger. There's also no way to
tell how much you'll end up harvesting for the same reason (no buds yet)
If you vegged for seven weeks you should be good to start flowering.


Well-Known Member

Secret Jardin Darkroom DR150
Ecotechnics Air-cooled Diamond reflector
Venture Sunmaster MH 600W
Philips Son-T Plus 600W
LightWave Digital Ballast 600W
GHE CocoPellets (10)
BioBizz All-mix 50L
BioBizz Bio Grow 1L
BioBizz Bio Bloom 1L
BioBizz Top Max 1
BioBizz Root Juice 250ml
E2 Economyline 240m3 100mm
A small normal fan
A Humidifier (works well enough)
A radiator for heating.


Well-Known Member
You should always fill the pot to the top with dirt. If it is indeed been on 12 hour day for seven weeks, you should have a ton of bud sites. I can't hardly see any. Not sure, but it looks like your grow got screwed up in many ways. Are you sure the room is light sealed?


They look a little heat stressed. Also always fill the container to the top! I don't even see any preflowers yet and they have been under 12/12 for over seven weeks? you said more buds? you don't have any buds there!!!! otherwise they don't look bad, just a little small. Keep trying!!! p.s. until there are buds there,there is no way to tell how much product you will get on any of those plants.


read it better guys they are 7 weeks old only 2 days into flower. They don't look that stressed to me though...

I think everyone is spot on about using the entire pot. The reason to use larger pots is for larger roots. So let those roots grow by using enough soil.

They should be fine by day 4-7 of flowering you will see some bud sites.


Well-Known Member
The plants look fine to me. many of you missed the strings in the pics and assumed the contorted plantsd were stressed. He is simply tying branches down in an attempt to LST. The leaves look healthy to me, as do the plants. I am concerned about the lack of height on plants veged for 2 months however. My Bubblelicious under Flouros for about 6 weeks are twice as large as these are. What were the plants under before the HPS?

Just keep doing what you did to keep them alive the first two months, only adjust your nutes for flowering. Check everyday for pre-flowers. Keep checkingfor Hermies up through about week 6 of 12/12.

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
they look ok but in some of the pics it looks like there is some leaf curling going on paticurly the last one, as for size it could just be the strain.