7 week old indica


Well-Known Member
cant tell yet, too young. did u injure her? i noticed the tape...

oh and this is in the wrong section


Well-Known Member
looks like the Tape is part of the stock.

For 7 weeks old... Lo0ks Stunted BIG TIME! Can you provide any additional info? pics!


Well-Known Member
LOL whoops i didnt notice the tape is on the stick, not the plant :wall:

and yeah, looks way stunted for 7 weeks. should be WAY bigger. what r u using?
What is the right section to post in? I though "general marijuana growing" was what it was but forgive me, I’m now to this site and growing. I have a mix of potting soil, top soil and perlite, 3-1-1 ratio. The plant before this got 6 inches super fast but the stalk turned red and woody then died. I'm sure I don't have sufficient light but it will have to wait so I'm gonna stick in my window. I’m using some florescent “gro” light form walmart. The plant doesnt smell very much either. I want a stinky beast! Is there ferts I need to use? This is frustrating guys...