7 week hindu kush grow- Help Suggestions?


Active Member
Ok- So I am about 7 weeks into my first grow- 5 plants Hindu Kush seeds under 4 100 watt CFLs. I repotted them at around 4 weeks- I waited a bit too long for that- and gave them some nutes in the new pot. I only used 1/2 tsp of Miracle Grow- Tomato in about 2.5 liters of water which is about 1/4th of the manufacturers suggestion. Since the pots are bigger they retain more water and I dont have to water them as much. I have given them nutes twice since then and looks like nute deficiency to me. This is where I need help!

The leaves that sprouted first, they were pretty small, are the ones wilting and falling off. The rest of the leaves look good for the most part- however some of them are starting to "pray" and others are starting to curl upwards lengthwise. Some of the stems are a pinkish color. So all these signs seems to indicate a lack of nutrients.

DO I need to increase the amount of nutes I give the plants?

Would the Miracle Grow- Tomato kind- cover the nutes needed?

Am I looking at a potassium or phosphorus deficiency?

Hope to post pics tonight or tomorrow. But I am thinking I need to get some of that epasm (sp?) salt or that they need more of the Miracle Grow???

On a side note, how tall is a good height for plants that are in 8 inch pots? They are about 1.5 feet tall now.

Thanks for any suggestions!


New Member
That MG tomato fert is PH 5 or lower after mixing. Flush your pots with fresh water, and then give a 3/4 strength dose of nutes; and in the future I would recommend using the Miracle Grow Nursery Select triple 20, at 1 to 2 tsp a gallon, which is adjusted to be PH 7.


Active Member
Thanks SP

I will flush them the next time they need water which will probably be tomorrow and switch the MG Nursery Select triple.


Active Member
Ok I think I found some of the problem. I have bark/wood chips in my soil which can make the soil acidic and it also causes slow growth because the roots have to grow around the bark.

I knew I shouldnt have planted with bark, but I thought it would be ok.

F&ck I spend most my time in the FAQ section and I still fuck up! I need to find a good thread to follow.


New Member
All you need to do is foliar feed with a good bloom fertilizer for a while and flush your pots with a high PH water. Add some baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to your water at a one teaspoon a gallon and water as usual for the next few waterings. Foliar feed twice a day at full strength for a week. Rinse the leaves every day or two with fresh water. They'll be fine.


Active Member
Thanks Birdcall... Next watering should be tomorrow and I will do the baking soda like you recommended.

When you foliar feed do you need something more than just a spray bottle? And twice a day isnt overkill?

Thanks again... pics coming...


New Member
Nah. Don't soak the soil or anything, but make sure the tops and the bottoms of the leaves are wet. If you have dry conditions, you can foliar feed more often even. You just have to rinse them more often too. Main thing is they get all the nutes they need, and don't rot. If it's humid as hell already, put a fan on them.


New Member
Hell! They look fine. Get rid of the runt that's wasting all of that prime real estate and the four winners will thank you. I like to use the Sunshine #1 mix for young'uns and sunshine # 4 for the flowering girls. With more perlite in the soil later on the pots dry out faster so you can adjust the PH and ferts more often. I'd say do what was suggested and in a week they'll be huge.


Active Member
yeah the runt was just repotted a little while ago. I think it is dead but I was holding out hope.
Thanks again. I think I picked out most of the bigger bark pieces... but I should probably just re pot them right due to it affecting the PH? Prob do that sunday.
Then at that time I will get them nice and wet... and then nute them by foliar feeding.
Do you recommend any specific nutes? I can get Schultz, Miracle Grow and a few others here...
I will post pics again in a week and hopefully you are right!!!


Active Member
I re potted them on Sunday and got them out of the soil with the bark and wood chips in it. Watered them well and nuted them as well. I was using Miracle Grow Tomato 18-18-21 plant food but was told to switch to something else. So I got something called Vigoro which is 24-8-16 which is closer to the 5:2:3 ratio that many recommend.

They started to recover this morning but when I got home from work I noticed they were starting to struggle. The plants are still moist and seem to be draining fine. Is the phosphorus too low??

Phosphorous deficiency: Phosphorous: Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing a red or purpleish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...

The lower leaves of the plants are turning yellow/brownish and wilting. The leaves higher up are also starting to droop and are getting darker along the outside of the leaves... a bluish purple color and then them seem to turn brown. The pics posted above are still accurate.

Is this a phosphorus problem? If so do I switch nutes? Get a phosphorus supplement? I am just at a loss right now because we should be getting to the flowering schedule soon... The plants are in 8" pots and are a little over a foot tall... is that all the growth that I can expect?
